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Creston (BC) NonProfits & Volunteer Opportunities FB group

Some of you may have noticed that our Volunteer page on this blog is no longer there... it actually got hacked somehow due to one of the links going bad or something... I'm actually not 100% sure what happened but I was told by administration staff to delete the whole page for the safety of our blog. 

I did delete that page back in July, and then I decided to start up a new FaceBook group for the Creston Valley (BC, Canada) region and surrounding areas... helping volunteers and non-profits connect, share, network, announce events and fundraisers, etc.  

If you are connected with a non-profit / not-for-profit / charity organization feel free to join... post in, and share the group. 

If you are a volunteer, or would like to be, please do join the group and learn about the amazing experience to be had through hundreds of local organizations. :)

Members are invited to share your:

Fundraisers & silent auctions
Explain what you are looking for re: volunteers
Tell us of your successes
Get help on your challenges
Overcome obstacles by collaborating with others
Find a mentor
Tell us about your work, focus, mission
Share your websites, online groups & social networking pages
Links to resources or helpful articles
Brief videos of your establishment, events
Have a question that other members might be able to answer? Go for it.
Want to find new volunteer experiences? You are in the right place.

Find the Creston (BC) NonProfits & Volunteer Opportunities Facebook group HERE


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