World of Podcasting - Interview Today we have the honour of featuring our good friend Betsy Wurzel Sloan on our blog. Betsy and I met via Alignable back in early 2022, began networking soon afterwards, and consider ourselves friends today. This woman works hard to make a positive difference, and we are thrilled to share this discussion with you - especially with September being World Alzheimer’s Awareness Mont h . I was actually unaware of that fact until Betsy brought it to my attention. Chatting with Betsy is where conversations for caregivers are held. It is all about helping other caregivers. Caregiving is a job that leaves one often feeling that they are on that journey alone. Dealing with spouses, siblings, children or parents with Alzheimer's, Dementia , or Parkinson's can be especially trying. This podcast provides a place of comfort and brings a sense of relief to those with unending stress. ** Find the Chatting with Betsy show on Spreaker , Spotify , or
Many of our readers are already aware that we run the Brummet Media Channel over on YouTube, where we have several playlists including the answering Your Q's... where we respond to submitted questions. *If you have a question that you would like us to respond to, simply visit the About page of this blog to find out how to contact us. Alternatively send a message on Facebook . Shannon subitted the following question: Shannon: "You've been writing and blogging, been a radio host and more... for over 2 decades... What are your writing motivations? What inspires you to keep going?" Discover the response at: