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Get Out Of The Rut - Tip #1

As I write this today my neighbour has 2 police vehicles and an ambulance outside their home, and memories come crashing back to me of before... times when that big elephant weight of grief, of loss, of panic and confusion step on your chest - taking away the ability to breathe.  My heart goes out to my neighbours and I hope they get the help they need. I don't know yet what is happening over there but for this to happen now, as I write on the topic of overcoming the depth of depression and climbing out of emotional ruts, well... perhaps this means that I need this series right now too.  This is the first of maybe five posts offering simple tips to bring light into the darkest times, the deepest depression, the weight of grief, and quieten the inner critic, judge and victim voices.  So here we go... Tip #1 There is one single thing that we have to become aware of, to acknowledge, when we are in this state of mind... which is - that we need to break the routine.  We have been feelin
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