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Members of the Media:

Find our One Sheet: Here ; & articles for your publication: HERE 

Submission Guidelines & Contact Info Below: 

Are you interested in submitting or networking

We run 2 blogs & a YouTube channel. 
The Drum It With Brummet blog (DIWB blog) is geared toward drum & percussionist enthusiasts, teachers & musicians. 

While the Brummet's Conscious Blog (BC blog) focuses on living consciously knowing that every moment offers a chance to create a better world. 

We offer inspiring quotes, helpful articles, intriguing interviews, informative product reviews, amusing stories, advice, memes & whatever else we feel will interest our readers. 

YES - we do accept queries re: article/poetry submissions & interviews. We also invite people to submit questions for us to respond to on the Brummet Media ChannelBe sure to keep in mind that we are often scheduling posts & videos several months in advance. 

Read the guidelines below & THEN email us via:  
L D BRUMMET @ GMail. com (remove caps & spaces)

If you have a hard time getting an email to come through then as a back up you can contact us via FaceBook or LinkedIn . *We prefer email. 

Q&A Blog Interviews are done via email

Examples of  interview opportunities on the BC Blog:
  • volunteers
  • non-profits
  • eco-organizations 
  • entrepreneurs
  • writers, editors, reviewers & publishers 
  • members of the media: ie bloggers, podcasts hosts & magazine editors

DIWB Blog invites:

  • musicians
  • bands
  • studio managers
  • agents
  • service providers
  • teachers
  • stage managers
  • retailers 

* Can You believe all this is FREE ?? 

All we ask for this free opportunity is that you share your appearance where ever you can

Reciprocation is always appreciated:

If you feel like reciprocating there are tons of ways to do so:
  • "Connect", "follow", "share", "subscribe", "friend" or "like" us on the various sites you find us on 

  • Purchase one of our books.

  • Share links to our books, posts, blogs or sites to your connections. 

  • We always appreciate those who take the time to review one of our books.

  • Perhaps you are able to invite us to be a live chat guest in a writer's group that you attend, or feature us on your blog. You might be interested in using pre-written articles that we have available as free content for publications like blogs, e-bulletins, newsletters, etc. 

  • Ask your library to bring in our books, or your reading group to use one of our books as their upcoming project. 

  • List us on the resource section on your website.

  • Watch our videos, like & share them & subscribe (it's free!) to our YouTube channel.

  • It would be awesome to see your comments appear on the blogs, channel or our social networking posts.

  • Present your creative networking idea to us anytime.


  • The article or interview must not read like an advertisement.

  • Any religion, sexual or erotica content, politics, racism or foul language will guarantee rejection. 

  • 400 word articles are preferred but 250-700 word submissions will be considered.

  • Poems naturally range in size; as such, writers are encouraged to submit several for us to choose from - we might publish 2 in one post if they are not too long. 

  • Avoid special fonts, bold text, colour or size variations. This blog uses Veranda font, size 12. Attach a Word file containing your submission. Alternatively paste your submission in the body of the email. 

  • Include a mini-bio (50 words max.), up to 3 URL's & 3 images.

  • Previously published articles are fine. 

  • Feel free to query a submission again in the future... or submit more than one at a time. If accepted they will be published 4-8 weeks apart. 

** Before querying, be sure to read the blog, then submit a creative topic, unique ideas

Contact us via:  L D BRUMMET @ GMail. com 
(remove caps & spaces)


Blog's stats vary widely month-to-month, day-to-day - however, in 2024 the mean-average was 20,000-30,000 visits per month. 

There was a time when we attentively watched our stats and ranking systems... these days we no longer dedicate time to that project. 

Our record months were around the time of the COVID fiasco:

March 2022: #286,419 visits
February '22: #448,839
January '22: #346,788
December '21: #143,000
A Little About US...

Some shots of us having fun in Winter (Phoenix Mountain near Grand Forks BC, Canada 2009)

Dave and our fur-kids on Kootenay Lake - BC, Canada (December 2012):


We are authors of numerous nonfiction, poetry & fiction books. Readers who enjoy proactive, positive information that can help them lead a more productive & frugal lifestyle will love our non-fiction books. Our business also offers hand drum & drum kit lessons, as well as repairs & other drum services. Our socials appeal mainly to people who love to make a difference. From musicians, authors to business owners who wish to run effective business & learn marketing activities. 

As members of the media, we are experienced online talk radio show hosts... having produced & the Conscious Discussions radio show (a 1-hour talk radio program) for 10 years (2005-2015), which produced new broadcasts 3 times per week. Back in 2005-2007, Lillian also produced and hosted the Authors Read radio show featuring various authors reading from their published work. The Brummet's Muse Newsletter served these audiences for over 8 years with 8,000 subscribers. The Brummet's plan to start this newsletter up again soon.

Lillian is considered a networking & marketing guru. She is often invited to give advice to authors, reviewers, bloggers or entrepreneurs via interviews on blogs, vlogs, podcasts, channels, etc. 

The main focus of our work is to inspire hope in individuals, helping people realize the value of their efforts and encouraging them to become more positive and proactive in life.

...and... we adore our furry family members !