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TD Bank Customer's Review, and it ain't good.

I cannot believe the hassle we have had with #TDVisa #TDBank warned people. They are totally inadequate and I'd recommend that their clients become more aware of their failings. 

How can we trust them with our money? Our credit? Our life plans?

We can't.

A few days before we sold our home and moved to a new one, I called TDVisa customer service # and attempted to change my address. After 20 min I finally got them to enter it in and was asked when it was to take place. I said "in a few days", and she said I "have to call back after the move in order to complete the address change". sigh. So I called a couple weeks after the move, gave them the new address and the fella suggested that we update our cards since they were older and charged us a higher interest than necessary. I agreed. Since then all heck broke loose.

5 phone calls later, 6 hours of my time, and they still could not get a simple address right. I couldn't believe it. Everyone else we work with from banks to notaries and lawyers and getting royalties, utilities, city... companies from out of country... everyone else has processed our little move within the same city with out an issue. 

Not the TDBank.

Today, I cancelled everything to do with them and I was livid to say the least. This time, apparently, they screwed up the address again, and they said I had to travel 2 hours, one way, in the heat, in tourist season, on the highway, despite owning dogs and like working and stuff, they expect that because that is where the next branch is - where they sent the new cards - for my convenience. Then I'm supposed to make that same trip hot sweaty trip home. And somehow make up all the time off work, the cost of the trip, gas, food on the road, kennelling the dog somewhere...

They couldn't send us the cards, not to a local bank or notary office... oh no - but all of a sudden last week they promised to have it delivered to my door (via puraltor or whomever) but it never arrived here within the time frame they said it would "for sure" arrive. Apparently the new cards were sent to another branch in another city.

Of course they don't tell you that when they get you to update your card, for your convenience.

They also told me that they can no longer do any changes to the address that they have on file because the card I currently have has expired, so I need to get the new cards activated before they can do that. Even though I answered all the other security statements and made the monthly payment as usual... there's only a balance of like $98 on the card anyway.


They haven't sent me statements since May because of all this fiasco and now they tell me that they cannot send me the statements until the address on their files is right.


I cancelled everything with the TD bank today. Every thing. After 35 years with them first banking with them in Kelowna, our first mortgage with them in Grand Forks and keeping our visa with them the whole time. 35 years. Yeah. so I'm super angry about all of this.

Now I have to apply for a new card, not that I'm worried or anything, but I haven't had to apply for one for over 35 years.

I'm so angry, so upset, livid.... 

How can they NOT send out a statement to my new address? 

Isn't that illegal? be warned people TD Bank doesn't give a royal crap about anyone. Stay the heck away from them.
