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The Effects of Mood Disorders

 -- Quote of the Day --

“When someone who shows up with a problem that they feel they have to share it – they can interrupt 3-4 other people and cause an incredible deficit to work production in the workplace. …You need to create a positive atmosphere as their first exposure to the workday. One good [tool] is to do a workplace survey about the work environment, department activities and the home environment [twice per year]… and then you can have a workshop based on the needs you have identified. …You have to be very observant, too. You have to come up with a plan that will allow people to freely express what the problems are and then have management work with them to address those concerns. There are a lot of people out there that are victims of violence, and that can have an effect at work, and can cause a serious threat to the employees – the abuse doesn’t stop at the front door. …Nobody wants to be ostracized, they very much want to be a part of things and sometimes this means they prefer to go with the status quo.”

~ Jim & Marsha Walker

Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode titled: Relationships – at home at work

 (*Click on the title to access the full discussion)

-- Conscious Living Event --  

October 7:

 Sharing the Commons SUSTAINABLE ECONOMICS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY TELESEMINAR – separative consciousness and genocide; unity consciousness ; property rights paradigm shift; land value capture and commons trusts; jubilee justice public finance policies; sharing and caring for each other and the world’s resources.   

Guest Speakers: Kevin Annett (Canada), Lisinka Ulatowska (Netherlands)

Date and Time: Sunday, October 7th at 4:00pm Eastern, 1:00pm Pacific, 9:00pm UK

PIN Code (session ID): 090366# (if required)

This mode of access enables you to listen to the webcast and view the slides. You may communicate with us via typing into the Question and Answers box.

To prepare for Session Three you may scroll through Module Three of the Land Rights Course here:  Your  free Land Rights course access is included with the teleseminar. This is the password: earthrights.  Please let us know if you have any difficulty accessing the course.

Also, please do your best to find time to view HIDDEN NO LONGER, a film about our guest speaker Kevin Annett and the Canadian genocide of Native American children who attended church and state sponsored schools.   Http://

 -- The Power of Inspiration --

Today we are featuring the first of a 3-part article series produced by Steve Brannon, a teacher, ex-military (US Air Force and US Navy) and former management consultant at Vanderbilt University. Currently, Steve offers support groups for those suffering from mood disorders and their families. This work is done through DBSA Jackson - his not-for-profit organization (501 c-3) which recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. Steve is also the author of the book: The Two Agreements.
To connect with, or learn more about, Steve visit:

The Power of Inspiration, Part One:

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” —Most people have heard these words, but few know the man who wrote them: Thomas Paine. When Paine published his most famous pamphlet, Common Sense, in January of 1776, he had to do so anonymously to avoid being hung for sedition against the Crown. Indeed, his words ignited the colonies’ desire to fight for freedom, and during the Revolutionary War, General George Washington insisted that Paine’s pamphlets were read to the troops each morning to keep them inspired. Washington believed that the American Revolution would not have happened without the publications of Thomas Paine, and other Founding Fathers, including future Presidents Jefferson and Adams, wholeheartedly agreed.

In his day, Thomas Paine enjoyed a level of fame equal to that of the rock singer Bono, and his pamphlet sales were equal to that of a gold record.  This is even more incredible when one takes into account that, at that time, very few people were able to read. What did Paine do with all that money? He gave it away. Yes, he spent it on uniforms and supplies for the citizen soldiers that were freezing and starving as they fought the powerful and well-funded British army. After the Revolution, Paine did not receive any compensation from the new government for all of his work and generosity. He boasted only of being a champion for liberty for all mankind.

I tell of Thomas Paine to give an example of a person whose altruism was completely unmotivated by religion, greed, or celebrity. While not everyone will achieve what Paine did; individuals all over America are committing incredible acts of kindness, with no self-serving motive whatsoever.

For the past ten years, I have been privileged to work with some of these exceptional individuals across my home state of Tennessee, which coincidentally, is also known as the “Volunteer State”. These individuals are inspired by the life stories as that of Thomas Paine and other altruistic souls.

Taking charge when it comes to recovery and wellness regarding serious mood disorders

We, as leaders of the support meetings, are a group of volunteers that work in affiliation with a national organization to help improve the lives of those suffering with mood disorders.  We lead meetings and form networks of support for the consumer (of mental health services), as well as their family and friends, in each of Tennessee’s major cities.

There are more than 21 million people in the United States affected by depression or bipolar disorder, and not one of them has to feel alone.  Each month, there are hundreds of meetings across the nation that provide a safe, supportive, and educational place to help them—and those who care about them—share experiences, discuss coping skills and offer hope to one another.

As a matter of course, the world of the consumer revolves around their illness. During initial recovery from a major episode requiring a hospital stay, the consumer’s life involves a daily regimen of medications; the weeks are punctuated with doctor’s appointments, purchasing medications, and possibly another hospitalization.  Understandably, it is easy for the consumer to become deeply identified with their illness, possibly stating, “I am a bipolar”, as opposed to, “I am a person with bipolar disorder”.

Many of the other independent group leaders follow a somewhat standard approach to organizing and conducting their meetings and networking efforts; and while I applaud their excellent work, I feel that too often their focus is on the illness. Therefore, I have created a different approach; one that keeps the focus on recovery and wellness, and uses particular techniques to inspire and build resiliency.

Taking charge of recovery and wellness through the inspirational support group approach 

As is the tradition in support services, our groups meet on a weekly basis to provide the kind of sharing and caring that is crucial for a lifetime of wellness. The leaders work to insure that attendees feel accepted, welcome, and most importantly, understood. They also work to build a level of trust among the members so they feel comfortable sharing their personal stories and let others know that they too have “been there”. In this supportive environment, the consumer, in a great number of instances, is motivated to follow his/her treatment plan; this is crucial, as non-compliance is a huge problem among people with mood disorders.

In a supportive and understanding environment, they are helped to rediscover strengths and humor they believed lost and move on to work on a level of wellness. By developing a personal level of wellness consumers gain a sense of well-being and renewed health; in other words, they begin to feel like themselves again. With regular attendance at educational and support group meetings, they can potentially grow, expand, and begin to set new life goals.  All of these results are possible benefits of the typical approach to conducting support groups for individuals suffering with mood disorders.

* Watch for part 2 and 3 of this article series on this blog: Oct 13 & 27th

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
