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Reviews From Readers

Reviews of the Brummet's Books ! 

We hope you enjoy browsing the excerpts of published reviews from readers, below. 
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"I have tried a number of the recipes & have not been disappointed at all. I love the homemade bug repellant." 
~ Karen Shannon

I enjoyed the simplicity of the recipes resulting in very tasty & nutritious dishes. You don't need to be a gardener (I'm not) to make good use of this cook book as there is always a selection of recipes that work with what I have in my fridge & cupboards. The recipes offer suggestions for variations, which accommodates individual taste preferences. The internet has made finding recipes easy, so I stopped using many of my cookbooks. FOSG is a cook book I will continue to enjoy using."
~ "Forever JZ"

"I have seen & used many cookbooks in my day, all of which, by definition have a variety of good recipes. This one is quite different, for it includes lots of background info, explanations & useful tips, plus personal & familial stories. It is especially useful for someone who has their own garden or who is a very careful & prudent shopper. It feels like a social visit where old friends are swapping tips & tricks & recipe guidance over tea & crumpets."
~ Kiki W.

"I know this lovely couple who have a garden as lovely as can be. Absolutely pure, fresh, flavours; easy & delicious. This book should be in every kitchen. I love their recipes & treasure their recipe book. I have given it away to newly-wed friends. It is so easy to follow the description when preparing a delicious meal. You won't regret having this cookbook creating wonder in your kitchen."
~ Celia Pringle

"The nice part about this cookbook is that there are variations included for a lot of the recipes so you can customize or adapt the dish to your mood or even which vegetable you have on hand. It has given me more confidence in the kitchen when it comes to garden harvest time or when I bring a load of goodies come home from the farmers market.
~ Pam Johannsen; Good Food Magazine

"First thing that struck me was the beautiful cover design! But then I saw just how large this book is -  275 pages. I love the large font size - no more squinting in the kitchen trying to find my place in the recipe!
Then I started browsing the chapters & saw titles like Thai Lettuce Rolls, Tomatillo Salsa, Peanut Sauce, Brocco-shroom Salad, Sweet Wheat Germ Bread, Homestead Mushroom Soup & Falafel Patties. I can hardly wait to try them all! 
The really interesting part comes at the end of the book. There's this chapter with quite a few helpful recipes for the household, like: natural hair spray, sprays to keep away pests, household cleaners and air fresheners, herbal tea concoctions for headaches, digestive issues, hormone or illness... & there's even stuff for the dogs; skunk remedy and doggie treats. 
No longer will I have an endless pile of recycling and trash to deal with because I'm making these at home! Reducing plastic bottles, plastic wrap, paperboard boxes & so on. Reducing my exposure to chemicals... I love it!
I like how the index is created too - it is designed so that when you've taken advantage of peak harvest season at the farmers market and got an amazing price to boot, then what are you going to do with it all? It is easy. Just look up the veggie or fruit you have on hand & start browsing the enticing recipe titles that will include that particular fruit or vegetable. 
I can't recommend the Brummets' new book enough. I encourage you to buy it. The last chapter alone will quickly save you more money than you spend on the book.
 ~ Arlene Browne; Healthy Eating Newsletter

"The recipes are easy & very flavourful. This is a good purchase!" 
~ Elizabeth Gagnon; T.E.A Podcast

"Since COVID I haven't been able to afford the rising cost of eating at my favourite restaurants anymore. Then along came this wonderful collection of recipes called FOSG that taught me how to cook with variety & flavour! One of the most used books on my shelf now.
~ Greg Maldon

 " I am not usually a fan of cookbooks, myself, but I found this one to be exceptional !"  ~ Greylin Heather Brummet 

"This book has been helpful for my husband & me, as we have been working on a non-fiction book. One of the first lessons we learned was that writing the book is the easy part, which came as a surprise to my husband, as he was proud of all the thought & work he had put into his literary project, but then stalled several years ago when he realized that the manuscript creation is just the first step. Publishing, & then marketing the book & getting it out there, all of which requires money we didn’t want to spend, seemed too daunting. More recently, however, reading this book helped him to get back on that horse & get it moving again. Now we can say our own first book should be available fairly soon. Thanks, Lill and Dave!"
~ Kiki & Gary Towne

"Marketing is so scary. There are so many nooks & crannies to maneuver through. The authors gently lead the reader along through the process."
~ Dr. David R. L. Stevens

"A comprehensive well-written book that provides informative, insightful & useful information that authors can easily implement to promote & market their book. The book, in my opinion, is refreshing & provides a unique perspective for getting your book to stand out among the hundreds of thousands of other books.
~ David Medansky 

 “This is extremely well organized laid out a pathway. As a member of the media, I read hundreds of books a year - They might have a shiny cover & the author might be well known, but they are a lot of fluff relating to marketing & PR. With your book, I can’t say that. Your book would run circles around the books I’ve read about marketing. It is just so systematic & so well thought out.
~ Linda Leon; That Author Radio Show

"This information packed how to book covers everything there is to know about the marketing of your work of art. This was an inspiration to me as I am a newly published author myself. I will definitely use a lot of their techniques in my upcoming endeavours. If you have not already purchased your copy I encourage you to do so.
~ Glenda Lee Davis; Roots & Branches Blog 

"I coach clients on marketing their books & writing the marketing section of their book proposals, so over the years I’ve learned a lot. Your book is thorough, comprehensive & very detailed. It hits on every aspect of marketing. I especially like the Q & A sections." 
~ Cindy Barrilleaux; Writing Coaching Services 

"Online, offline, in person, in taxi cabs, by mail, at events, anywhere & everywhere, their marketing reach touches every potential reader.This one book could easily add hundreds if not thousands of orders to any book published today.
~ Frank Hilliard 

"How to get reviews, what to do in internet marketing, make media kits & write press releases - This book is a Godsend to new authors." 
~ Betty Fasig

"One of the best guidebooks any writer could have on the journey of guiding their work to its final destination. Sound knowledge of how the market works & what it takes to reach the reader. Their advice is invaluable. The information you'll find here is exhaustive. The range of materials & resources in the appendices is truly mind-boggling.
~ Lois J. Peterson; LP Word Solutions

"PSM is an easy-to-read step-by-step primer on how to get your book out there and noticed."
~ Stephen Porter; Stephen's Scribblings & Scrawls Blog

"They offer preparatory steps, including some good material on self-care & time management. Then they demystify the bookselling process in face-to-face venues. They discuss bookstores, smaller venues, libraries & alternative places. The authors lead you through your target groups to help you better identify your customer. The book offers several antidotes, encouragements & examples along the way. The PSM series is a refreshing counter to the many, many, many, many, many books out there that introduce digital sales, FB ads & internet marketing." 
~ Jerry Harwood

"Well-thought-out information for book marketing offered a fresh approach. I consider this a good purchase for me & I will refer to it often.
~ Jan Romes; Jan The Romance Writer Blog

"I read through the entire book & found that in the beginning of the book, there are five steps that are key to effective marketing. It wasn't high tech or highly focused on social marketing. There were ideas for what most would call 'old school'. Quotes through out the book helped to create an interesting tool."
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews

"Advice on marketing your book, beginning with the day you sign the contract. A realistic outlook on what a new or relatively unknown author can expect & how to employ research & prepare to make a memorable first impression. Offers fresh ideas with a realistic view & statistics to assist in making informed decisions as you put together a marketing plan.
~ Donna Sundblad; Book Hook-Up Blog

"A great source of information for every author- seasoned or new - to develop a strong marketing/promotion plan & help get started and survive in this maze of a book industry.
~ David Lewis

"Covers that vital expanse of time between producing a manuscript that’s fit for publication & getting your book into the hands of paying readers. Offers the essential ingredients of a comprehensive marketing plan with tips, advice presented in a plain & straightforward way, making the book very accessible & easy to read.” 
~ Keith Plumb, UnHeard Words E-zine

Very thorough; covering a great swath of material. Highly recommended.” 
~ Andrea Campbell; Soups On E-Newsletter 

"If you're looking for a book to help guide you through all of the steps of an effective book marketing plan, then I highly recommend that you add PSM to your bookshelf today!" 
~ Misti Sandefur; Coffee Break for Writers E-zine

"Your book on marketing; It's exactly what I needed. Thank you!
~ Danae 

“As a person who made a living writing corporate publicity for some of the world’s largest companies, I thought I would not glean much in the way of useful & realistic information from a marketing book. I was wrong!” 
~ Elizabeth Eagan-Cox; T.E.A. Podcast

It is my opinion that every author, whether they are published or hoping to be published, should own a copy of this book. The information is presented in a concise, clear fashion and each subject is covered in a way that makes it easy for the author to apply the suggested techniques to their own marketing requirements.”
~ Carol A. Guy; Professional Editor

Playing With Words; poetry series

"Poetic Wanderings is a gift for anyone who enjoys reflective, lyrical poetry that invites readers to slow down, remember, and reconnect. It is a timeless exploration of memory, identity, and the impermanence of life, offering solace and meaning in a world that often moves too fast." ~ Donna Sundblad

"The author bears her soul trying to come to grips with abuse and neglect. She writes to find meaning at a confusing time. I especially liked the antidotes at the end of many of the pieces, explaining what she was going through at the time. Her hope is to help others who might be experiencing pain to understand they are not alone." ~ Cathy Lynn Brooks

When I was a kid & we had to read or write poetry in school, it did not resonate with me. Later as a secretively moody teen, I would write sappy or pretentious poetry to try to express my adolescent thoughts and feelings. It takes great bravery to bare one’s soul to the general public. When I came across Lillian’s book, at first I didn’t quite get the title, but once I started reading, I could see how any artistic expression, be it poetry or prose or music or drawing or painting, can be a great tool for self therapy for meditating on & sorting out one’s thoughts & feelings."
~ Gary Towne

"This poetry truly grabs your heart. Real stories with nothing held back, giving me inspiration & hope. Made my heart shake, feeling things one seldom does.
~ Ronald Nussbeck

These writings take the reader on an emotional journey. For every poem that strikes the heart & brings tears, there is another one that offers hope & promise for a tomorrow. I recommend this book of poetry to any survivor of abuse that is seeking to heal. Her writings will be their companion on the journey to healing. Her words will guide them & teach them along the way. This book is excellent! 
~ Hope Fields 

Lillian drives it home; I felt like we were sisters sitting & talking about our lives. The inner suffering revealed in the pages, yet gripping to life's blessings. A heartfelt collection of life’s experiences.” 
~ Mary Muhammad

“A diverse collection of observations & emotions; moments of pain & longing, of simple joy and abiding love - a wonderful reminder that memories do not have to be grandiose in nature to be fulfilling. The emotional honesty of the writer is sure to strike a chord with many readers.” 
~ Fallen Angel Reviews 

You’ll never look at poetry the same way again. Beginning with her childhood trauma & leading into her journey of finding healing & self worth. You’ll feel her anguish, anger & finally, her recovery as you travel with her page by page.” 
~ Robor Writing & Editing E-newsletter 

“This series will resonate with anyone who has loved, lost love or experienced the hurt that is all part of finding the soul within us as we travel through this lifetime. Allow these words to connect you with the truth of who you are.” 
~ Heaven Sent Spiritual E-zine

"A true poet's eye for detail; description & emotion carries the reader along on a journey." 
~ Michele True; Practical Poetry Radio Show

"Some of the most gripping poetry I've ever read. Presented in time sequence, I felt glued to the screen, wanting to know what happened next!" 
~ Sonja Gartner

"An emotional & sometimes haunting journey; this outstanding collection of very personal & sometimes painful work is a great read."
~ Tessa Crigger

"Makes you think while she paints a picture of that moment & reveals her inner strength with honesty, determination & reverence.
~ Marguerite Ashton

"By far the most outstanding book of poetry that I have read thus far. Like a blooming rose to completion you travel through her life as though it were your own, experiencing fear, frustrations, love, purpose & self-acceptance. This series inspires hope, peace & strength in a troublesome world like I would not have imagined. This the series will be read over & over again!
~ CJ Wilkes
"An absorbing & interesting collection of poetry, that displays the author's great depth of emotion. She so honestly expresses herself with skilled writing ability.
~ Debra Warren

"Lillian Brummet has survived the horrors of domestic violence & childhood sexual abuse. She knows what it is to struggle & overcome. She displays incredible bravery in sharing her touching & inspirational poetry revealing her personal journey to healing.
~ A Celebration of Courage Newsletter 

"The series yanked on the very strings of my heart. Every poem, every verse, every word that she penned was a representation of growth, not only as a poetess, but as a young woman. As she pours out her life on paper, she is fighting her inner demons, learning to love herself & through all the trials & tribulations, finds freedom. This brought me to tears as I sobbed, remembering my years that have so swiftly past. Her poems are filled with truth and honesty. Lillian writes with words as an artist paints with color - the raw emotions of love, hate, abuse, anger, friendship. I thoroughly enjoyed each & every poem and I strongly recommend her book of poetry!
~ Ameasha Brown

"Poetry that courageously reveals the deepest feelings & intimate emotions that most people ever truly discover about themselves. This woman's journey toward self-realization gives hope to everyone. Lillian proclaims her personal victory over the darkness of her youth & through the passionate intimacy of her poetry, she invites others to follow.
DeVoll Reviews; Cheers E-zine 

"Step into a world of a pouring waterfall of emotions." 
~ John Thompson; MR Poet Blog

"The remarkable trait about this poetry collection  is how it explores various poem-structures which isn't something common amongst modern poets.
~ Plastic Venus E-zine

Trash Talk; a Green Living Series (TT) 

"I really enjoyed reading TT. This is something that should be in every household; I would not hesitate to recommend this book!" 
~ Tim Dueck; Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (Canada)

"This series of books helps us realize the small changes of attitude & action spread within society; they can have a cumulative effect." 
~ Kiki Towne

"Reaches beyond recycling, to a look at everyday household items & offer practical, & downright clever, approaches.
Back Homes Magazine (USA) 

"Buy this (series) for yourself. But also consider giving it as a gift to others. It may be one of the most durable gifts you have ever bestowed on another person. Its very likely you will earn back the purchase price every month, if you put just a few of this book's wonderful suggestions into practice - your planet will thank you." 
~ Mind Connection E-zine

"It explains everything succinctly & had a benefits summary at the end; suddenly, I was reusing more and it was all manageable & doable." 
~ Scribe & Quill Magazine (USA)

"The Brummets believe it is possible to reduce our levels of consumption and waste production and to this end have composed a guidebook for the home on how to renovate, reuse & refurbish common items.
E-Magazine (USA)

"An exceptional, motivational series to stimulate & inform environmental champions in the workplace - Highly Recommended!"
~ Eagle Bulletin (South Africa) 

"This series should be applauded on many levels: from the succinct subtitle to the comprehensive resource section at the end. Useful in everyday life, & inspires each of us to make our own contribution.
~ Issues Magazine (Canada) 

"Easy to read with a positive approach, the series shares useful tips & practical ideas on how to take action as consumers & citizens."
~ Georgina Bloomfield; Friends of the Earth (UK) 

"Discusses, in alphabetical order, various ways to reduce waste, reuse common products & small day-to-day changes that we can all make. Books like these are needed in every language in every culture. Small steps often contribute to the birth of policy initiatives.
~ Resource Conservation & Recycling Journal (Netherlands)

"So refreshing, uplifting. Most of the ideas presented  are relatively simple & do not require any unusual tools or skills." 
~ Warmer Bulletin (UK) 

"This encouraging labour of love for Mother Earth is a great learning tool for anyone to get involved.I have learned many new things that I can put into practice. I strongly recommend this book!
~ Ameasha Brown

"An accessible, hands-on guide for reducing waste.
~ Ann Leonard; Global Anti Incinerator Alliance 

"Lillian Brummet, daughter of former Ridgecrest resident Joanne Smith, has teamed with her husband to generate an assortment of easy-to-read, easy-to-implement directions designed to get more individuals, families & institutions in on the waste reduction act.
~ Ridgecrest Daily Independent Newspaper (CA, USA)

"The authors focus on changing people's mindset to a more open, hopeful and proactive one, not by finger-pointing at corporations and governments - but by starting in people's own homes, at their own desks." 
~ RNet Technology Newsletter; Natural Resources Canada

"It is comforting to know that any effort one makes to reuse items, reduce waste or recycle responsibly, actually does have an impact. The research is solid & it educates in a positive, creative & common-sense manner.
~ South West Blend E-zine 

"A slightly bigger-picture look at environmentally responsible actions such as picking up trash while walking, reducing energy consumption & organic gardening."
~ Scrap Magazine (UK)

"Indispensable help for the earth - especially needed in schools and businesses!
~ Self Care Minder E-zine 

"This unique approach asserts the agency of consumers can influence government & industry... then gives them the tools to do so.
~ Parks Quality Assurance (Canada)

"Numerous environmentally friendly & cost-saving benefits to reducing trash & reusing some of those maddening boxes, bags & other containers that plague the life of every consumer.
~ Judith Porter

"I was amazed at the many ways that every item from A-Z could be reused. Before you throw out anything, have second thoughts and a first look at TT. Buying this book will save you money!
~ Kathy Schultz

"I was greatly pleased with TT; it tells you not only how to do your part to save the environment, it teaches how to save money while doing it!"
~ Mariposa Jones

"An important, informative and well-written book; a must-read for everyone concerned about saving money & our planet's limited resources!
~ Michelle True

"Each chapter ends with a section on benefits from using the ideas in that chapter by pointing out all the ways you've saved money, improved on natural resources, saved time & perhaps created a new gift. I'll never again be able to look at my used dryer sheets in the same light!
~ On a Whim E-zine 

"A most welcomed resource for simple, easily assimilated time and money saving habits that actually make an appreciable difference in our planet's overall health. Drawn from generations of practical experience, this extremely informative & helpful manual is a call to consciousness.
~ Cheers E-zine 

"Their stunning and perceptive research will lead many of us to implement these simple life-changing habits." 
~ Midwest Book Reviews 

"This series is stuffed full of information, & will certainly motivate its audience. I recommend this book with the highest rating.
~ Samia Muqueem

"Contains tips ranging from how to use leftover grocery bags to what to do with old toothbrushes... every reader is guaranteed to find many practical tips they can institute in their own lives.
~ Sarah Playle