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Creating Positive Change

 -- Quote of the Day -- 


Presence is a noun, not a verb;
 it is a state of being, not doing. 
States of being are not highly valued in a culture 
that places a high priority on doing. 
Yet, true presence, or ‘being with’ another person 
carries with it a silent power – to bear witness to a passage, 
to help carry an emotional burden, 
or to begin a healing process.”   

~ Debbie Hall

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- 

* Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.

 Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show: 

Best of Conscious Discussions series offers highlights from some of the best discussions we've had in the past. Today is our 37th episode in this series – Featuring 3 experts offering advice on: Authors Creating Positive Legacy
First Guest:

New Jersey based author James Martin II is a passionate family man who became environmentally aware when he was 37 after getting involved in a tree planting adventure. He is here to discuss fun ways to go green with your family, and we’ll also hear about his children's book, William is Going Green.
Second Guest:
  Diane Tegarden, president of FireWalker Publications Inc., and accomplished author, has a huge passion for the gardening, the environment, animals and water conservation in particular.

And Third guest:
Award-winning writer Barbara Quinn originally came in to represent the Rose & Thorn writer's support group & newsletter – which no longer exists. However we have some highlights of that discussion where she offered tips for writers, what writers can face in this industry, and showed us what members of the media will go through on a day-to-day basis which can help writers learn how they can make the job easier for the people they want to work with. 

  Access the live (10-11 AM Pacific) or archived episode:

-- Conscious Living Event - 

Webinar: Environmental Learning & Multiculturalism

When: Thu, February 28, 5:30pm – 6:30pm


Description: What are the potential relationships between environmental learning and multicultural education? What are the similarities and differences between these two areas of practice and inquiry? Through dialogue and case studies drawn from field schools around the world, David will lead participants through a process to consider how multicultural issues can inform our practices in environmental education. 


Green Games Registration Closes!

When: Friday, Mar 1, 2013


Info: Registration for BC Green Games is now open until March 1, 2013. This province-wide competition for K-12 students is designed to encourage action, enable sharing and reward and celebrate the green efforts of schools in BC. 

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
