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Sunday Gardening

-- Quote of the Day -- 

“There are only 2 days that you can’t do anything – 
yesterday and tomorrow.” 

~  unknown

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- 

* Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.

 Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show: 

Sunday Gardening episodes air every 2-3 weeks from March - October annually featuring topics like bio-dynamic, sustainable, organic gardening and landscaping using square foot, inter-planting and succession crop methods, permaculture and layering in landscaping practices.Today's topic: Common Chores in March
We always welcome questions from gardeners around the world – if you are having problems or questions pertaining to the topic of the day simply call in or drop in the live chat room. If your question is outside of the topic of the day, just send your question our way via  and we will make sure to cover it in an upcoming segment. 

Access the live (10-11 AM Pacific) or archived episode:

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well! 
