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Showing posts from December, 2012

Green living advice

-- Brummet's In the Media --   Check out my article on green living over at    Shortened direct link to blog post will be: which will go live today -  Monday, Dec 31, around 7 a.m. Please feel free to leave a comment on that blog, or here, and let me know what you thought of it, or any other input you may have to share. If you like what you read there, please do share it with your circles on social networking sites :) -- Positive News --   Here are 6 different ways that anyone can easily make a positive impact on waste management:  Recycling pizza boxes is a real issue – the greasy bottom half can, at best, be composted – but the other half that has not been tainted by grease can be recycled. Try to purchase pizza from eateries that use a liner on the bottom of the box increasing recyclability. If you favor one restaurant, try speaking to staff about this issue to see if ...

Writing advice

-- Quote of the Day - -     “The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present,  but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality  and hope where others have resigned;  it enables a man to hold his head high,  to claim the future for himself  and not to abandon it to his enemy”  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer --  Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --   * Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.     Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show:     Best of Conscious Discussions episode #33 airs today featuring 2 experts on how writers can obtain grants and how to market your work.  ...

World of Writing, interview

-- World of Writing, interview --  Born and raised in New Jersey, Patricia R. Blumhagen, now lives in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. An Interfaith Minister and mid-wife for birthing the soul, Patricia has been on a spiritual quest for many years. As a spiritual coach, her work is healing with words to awaken the Divine within. She listens with the heart to understand the deeper meaning of the words that are spoken. With compassion and acceptance she gently guides others towards understanding what might be preventing them from experiencing their true self. Patricia also enjoys teaching about the health benefits of herbs, while managing a herb garden in the Berkshires. Patricia is the author of: Winter’s Mystery-Time to Go Within: Spiritual Journeying. Today she’ll speak about her passion for writing, and poetry in particular.    Visit Patricia via her site:       Q:...

Music affecting waste management and families

 -- Quote of the Day --  “…I learned that I could do more then I thought – Whenever there was a hurtle, I just always found the answer in time. …One of the things I was wondering about was how I would go about going through my editors proofreading because they had a lot of marks they would use like strike-through’s and different colored fonts – but when I got to that point I did a little research and found that my screen reader can be set in such a way that it would identify all that. It taught me to go for your dreams, don’t let anything stand in your way if you really feel that you should do something.   …Try to have a positive attitude, and go for your dream. If there is any disability that you are going to be around, educate yourself about the disability, most people don’t mind answering questions in fact we welcome the opportunity to teach you more about the disability.” ~ Konnie Ellis Today’s quote or...

Preserving Nature

-- Quote of the Day --  “A nation that destroys its soils, destroys itself” ~ Franklin Roosevelt --  Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --   * Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.     Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show:     Best of Conscious Discussions vol 32 airing today - featuring 2 guests who will discuss different ways of Preserving Nature. Bob Wildfong has been an important part of the Seeds of Diversity organization for more than 20 years and currently holds the position of Executive Director within the organization. We will learn about the importance of gardening, saving seeds and interesting tips for the i...

Interviews & Garden Advice

 -- Brummet's In the Media --  Join me for the live interview over at Dr Ande Radio , which offers inspirational and educational information, strategies and tips in the realm of small business, nonprofit, entrepreneurship, writing, music and more. Today we'll be focusing on the world of writing. Today: Dec. 26th, 8 AM (pacific) or 9 AM (central), etc. The show will be archived so you can access it later on at your convenience Location : -- Consciously Gardening -- This time of year we gardeners are actively drooling over garden and seed catalogs as they arrive in the mailbox, or viewing them online. Planing so early might seem a bit over-excited to some, but there are a lot of varieties of flowers that are started in January (think flower baskets) and greenhouse crops that can be started in late January for an early spring harvest before the ground is ready to p...

Steel Recycling News

Wishing all of our readers and supporters a very warm and relaxing holiday season! * We are taking the day off from hosting the radio show :)    -- Quote of the Day --  “We live in the present,  we dream of the future,  but we learn eternal truths from the past.”  May-lin Chiang -- Positive News --    We were thrilled to read a report by the Steel Recycling Institute showing that recycle rates for steel has reached an “all-time high of 92%”. In fact steel is the most recycled item in North America, beating recycle rates for aluminum, paper, plastic, glass (with recycling rates increasing to 34% over all those items). Auto recycling is at 94%, appliance recycling is at 90%. Info : or   Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by t...

Referral Corner

-- Quote of the Day --  “…Pack some stuff up that you can hide (from the abuser), that you can grab and go, and never look back. You need to have someone to call, even if it is the hotline. …You have to talk about it, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you have to or it will just build up inside you and you’ll end up staying or never getting out alive. Believe in yourself; there is something else out there for you. …There is no excuse for abuse; it should not be tolerated by anyone. Nobody has the right to put their hand on you; to harm you. Love yourself and know that you are worth something; respect yourself. …Believe in yourself – that you can do anything. …Seek out help and talk about it… and get out.” ~ Susan Dean Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on … titled: Domestic Violence   (*Click on the title to access the full discussion) ...