-- Product Review -- I was thrilled and excited to receive an invitation from Judith Cassis to review the Zero White Teeth Whitening System (which retails for $399 US). The product was shipped on April 8 th and arrived here on April 16 th … just 8 days later. Whitening Lightning describes itself as a conscious teeth-whitening company that strives to make a difference in people’s lives, while going easy on the planet. The Zero White System uses a special natural oxygenation process to dissolve stains, won’t cause sensitivity, is safe to use on crowns, veneers and caps, is cruelty free, and is made from all natural ingredients like glycerin, mint oil, aloe vera juice, pomegranate and chamomile extracts. There are no disposable trays and is packaged in 100% recyclable paperboard packaging. Each kit contains: 1 paper shade dial (ranging from #1 to #16) to help you determine the current color of your teeth and how many shades lighter you get aft...