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Showing posts from September, 2013

Humor and Education

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband Dave :) == Quote of the Day ==   “You need enough insurance in place to cover your assets. …It is when the person doesn’t return phone calls, ignores the person or makes comments under their breath - and that is when people get upset, they get angry and that prompts a lot of claims against the individual or company. …Training your employees how to address that situation, how to look out for the customer, this goes a long way in the potential of that customer making a claim down the line. …No matter what your employee does or when they do it, it will always reflect on the business. If they are not in the place or scope of business and are on their own time, in their own vehicle – their actions will still reflect on the business and the other people they work with. …Keep in mind that sometimes the best rate is not the best rate. Sometimes the coverage with one carrier is cheaper but the value of the insurance ...

World of Writing

-- Quote of the Day --    “ Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
 ” ~ Napoleon Hill   -- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- * Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - Chat room open for live listeners - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day. Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show:     World of Writing segment episodes air every 2-3 weeks on the Conscious Discussions Talk radio show and today we have the pleasure of featuring author Ken McAlpine, again. Ken been published in numerous national publications and he has earned three Lowell Thomas awards, the top award in the i...

Recommended Reading

Today's article was submitted by: William Yatscoff. William is a writer for Bookkaholic Magazine. If you are interested in finding more post-apocalyptic novels, dystopian novels or anything else you should come swing by Bookkaholic Book Magazine . Best Dystopian Novels for Enthusiastic Young Adults According to research reports from Good Reads, the popularity of dystopian-themed books is at its peak—the highest since 1960s. This resurgence of dystopian literature can be attributed to the enormous mass appeal of the Dream Caster, Hunger Games, Divergent and many others in this sub - genre. Given below is a list of best dystopian novels for avid readers who love turning pages packed with intrigue, futuristic settings, war, oppression and hope.  These best dystopian novels are being read by young adults across the world with equal zest. Dream Caster - Najeev Raj Nadarajah (2013) Set in the grim environs of the post - apocalyptic era, D...

positive living

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- * Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - Chat room open for live listeners - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day. Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show:     Author, speaker, consultant, columnist and radio host Leesa Myers joins us today – she specializes in helping people create positive change. Interestingly she has also served on several non-profit boards, and has over 19 years experience in running businesses. Are you feeling like you are just not good enough, that you don’t deserve success, that you cannot reach your goals because of your background, circumstances or culture? We’re here to tell you that you can reach for that goal, that you can improve your life and that...

In Honor of Household Managers

Society has grown so 'advanced' that we look down on those of us who choose to be nurturing Household Managers. Somehow this work force is seen as slothful folks who live off the work of others, or are incompetent in the workplace altogether. Society then contradicts itself by acknowledging the growing strain on the medical, policing and financial support systems due to increased stress, pollution and poor nutrition in today's civilized world. Worried politicians view our ever-growing need to import food as a potential disaster in the event of worldly catastrophes - and scientists tell us their numbers indicate we are actually overdue for a catastrophe. Society will 'tsk-tsk' at the children who have been raised by non-family members (including televisions and computers), because no one has the energy or the time to raise them properly. We have the audacity to be bewildered at the drop out rate in our cold and sterile public schools. ...

Green Living

-- Quote of the Day --  “My favorite definition of permaculture is that it is about building sustainable communities powered by the sun. …Converting that solar energy into something we can use and grow more. …Gardening is important because it is a place where we can make a difference in our own lives immediately – even if it is on an apartment terrace or balcony, you can grow your own food and create a habitat that supports other life. There is a lot we can do as gardeners to help issues of climate change, soil fertility. …Permaculture divides our land into 5 zones: Zone 0 would be our home and zone 1 would be the vegetable gardens, from there we have zone 2 such as sunflowers, grapes, and some dwarf shrubs like blueberries, zone 3 would be less managed pasture or flower sort of landscape with larger trees like nut trees, zone 4 would be a little more wild and zone 5 would be a wild area. …You can go to restaurants and get organic materials, you can go to...


As you are likely already aware I like to occasionally share poetry with you... So here are a few for you to enjoy. These are both excerpted from my book of poetry: Towards Understanding  GO AHEAD AND CRY   You give love with all your heart, Until you endure no more. Now things start to fall apart, You have used all you had in store. The tears begin to fill the brim, And you start to softly cry, For bygone years and how they dim. Long ago, when laughter came easy, It was so simple to believe In fairy tales, romance, and magic But now you can only grieve. You ask what happened to that child, Full of laughter and innocence. Life then seemed so exciting and wild Until you were forced to learn defense. I know that sometimes you want to run from life; And sometimes you just can’t be that strong. Love and hate tangles you in strife. So now, pour out your mournful son...