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Showing posts from July, 2020

quote of the day

Quote of the Day  © " The butterfly does not look back  at the caterpillar in shame,  just as you should not look back  at your past in shame.  Your past was part of  your own transformation. " Author unknown ~~  Visit the Brummet's @: ~~


Anxiety epidemic * Written by: Oliver JR Cooper: t eacher, author and consultant - O Along with depression, anxiety is one of the most common mental, as well as emotional and physical, problems in today's world. Emotional and physical was used above as both depression and anxiety is not always just a mental problem. Like depression, anxiety is often something that affects someone's whole being, not merely their mind. So if someone doesn't struggle with anxiety, there is a strong chance that they know someone who does. But even if they don't know anyone who does, there is the chance that they will have heard about people that do. Through using social media, for instance, one may have come across a number of people that have anxiety problems. Along with this, they may have heard a lot about the help that is available and what someone can do, if they do suffer from anxiety, whilst watching TV or listening to the radio. Undoubtedly, it is a lot easie...

Recommended Resources

Recommended Resources Eco-Forestry Institute Society is a non-profit charity working with community volunteers to ensure nature thrives in depleted ecosystems:  Info: EcoJustice takes a legal stance against harmful activities that destroy nature, protected wilderness and special habitats.  Info : Ecology Action Cent re is a Nova Scotian (Canada) environmental non-profit that has been involved with recycling, composting and energy conservation programs, as well as working to protect natural habitats. Info : ~~ Visit the Brummet's @: ~~

quote of the day

Quote of the Day  © "Everything you do is based on the choices you make.  It’s not your parents, your past relationships,  your job, the economy, the weather,  an argument or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible  for every decision and choice you make.  Period.  ...Optimism is the foundation of courage."   ~ Nicholas Murray Butler ~~  Visit the Brummet's @: ~~

Business Ethics

Business Ethics – What you Must Know * Written by Marc-Eddy Drouinaud Jr. The system of moral beliefs that guides behaviours and decisions is known as business ethics. Certain ethical requirements for companies across the world are embedded into law, minimum wage, and environmental regulations. The management group provides precedent for how the company runs on a monthly basis. When the management's philosophy is centred on ethical behaviours and practices, leaders could direct their employees by example and direct them as individuals. Building a foundation of ethical behaviours provides positive effects that will stand the test of time. When leaders of a company are directing an organization in an ethical manner, employees are forced to follow in their footsteps. Employees are more prone to be better decision makers which increases productivity and the employee's morale. When employees finish the day that is based off of honesty and integrity, the entire organization benefit...

quote of the day

Quote of the Day  © "The task of the excellent teacher  is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people  to unusual effort.  The tough problem is not in identifying winners:  it is in making winners  out of ordinary people."  ~ K. Patricia Cross ~~  Visit the Brummet's @: ~~

personal expectations

Personal Expectations * Written by Kevin Amolsch who offers some interesting thoughts on the expectations we project onto one another... " You expect too much, " my girlfriend tells me for the 2nd time in less than a week. We were not fighting, but she let me know that she felt that she had a hard time hitting my expectations, and that it was stressful. It was not making me happy either. I mentioned to her that she is setting a low-ceiling but that it was made of glass. She has the ability to breakthrough it if she wanted to. That might not have been the best thing to say, but it really got me thinking. Not everyone wants the same things I do. To some, a certain level of success is not worth the effort or pain it takes to get there, and that is OK. For me, I would like to bench press 300 pounds like Travis, but in my mind, it would take far too much to get there. So, I don't try. Like me not wanting to reach my potential physically, she does not want to reach her pot...

recommended resources

Recommended Resources ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES TO DO AT HOME! Use this time of reduced activity to organize activities at home, alone or with your family! Let your creativity run wild as you come up with ways to take action for the environment from home. Then use #EarthDayAtHome to show us what you’ve been doing! Via -- Check out when you can, this grass roots environmental organization is dedicated to protecting Ontario (Canada) wilderness and water sheds via research, education and hands-on action.  --  Earth Stop One Foundation is a bird rescue sanctuary based in Calgary (AB, Canada) where they rehabilitate companion birds and run education programs. visit:   ~~ Visit the Brummet's @: ~~

Quote of the day

Quote of the Day  © "The one who follows the crowd  will usually go no further that the crowd.  Those who walk alone  are likely to find themselves in places  no one has been before. " ~ Albert Einstein ~~  Visit the Brummet's @: ~~

article, part 4

Remaking Our World: Coronavirus, Hope, and Future Society   *Written by Cristina Deptula of Authors, Large and Small . Coronavirus has radically shifted our lives and schedules. Now that we’re three months in to shelter in place in many metro areas, people are beginning to speculate on how society might reshape itself after we survive this pandemic. A few of the authors we represent, as literary publicists with Authors, Large and Small , have written pieces inspired by the psychological experience of quarantine. Our final author, James Mueller, shares his personal healing practices that may help in this time of collective grief. James Mueller, a father of three children, grew up on a dairy farm in the beautiful countryside of Upstate New York in the heart of the Mohawk Valley. After graduating from Cornell University, he attended seminary, obtaining a master's degree with high honors with an emphasis in pastoral care. With his son's condition challenged by the harsh winters...

Plans cancelled?

Stuck At Home? ...Bored?

Recommended Resources

Recommended Resources For Calgary (AB, Canada) residents mainly, this site offers ways to volunteer and live more sustainably within the city. However, you'll also find quite a few kid-friendly resources and great information anyone can use around the office or home.   Have kids? Here's a great link from the website just for them: Youth may also enjoy the  Earth Challenge Project designed to empower children to be responsible stewards of the earth via active, thoughtful participation. ~~ Visit the Brummet's @: ~~

Anxiety, Explained

 Anxiety Explained *By Oliver JR Cooper : Teacher, author and consultant, his insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness.  Find him at: Anxiety has been described as fear spread thinly, which means that it is not the same as fear. Even so, that doesn't mean that one won't experience fear if they have anxiety problems. When one experiences anxiety, they are unlikely to be rooted in their body and they will feel on edge. Therefore, although they will have a body that supports them, it could be as though they have no foundations. In addition to feeling on edge, there can be all of the thoughts that race around their mind and the different sensations that they experience. When it comes to their thoughts, they might not have many supportive thoughts. Alternatively, their mind could just go blank during this time. As for the sensations that they experienc...

quote of the day

Quote of the Day  © "Knowledge is a sacred cow,  and my problem will be  how we can milk her  while keeping clear of her horns."   ~ Albert Szent-Györgyi - " Teaching and Expanding Knowledge ~~  Visit the Brummet's @: ~~

article, part 3

Remaking Our World: Coronavirus, Hope, and Future Society  * Written by Cristina Deptula, of  Authors, Large and Small  provides resourceful and tenacious book outreach services for writers of many genres and believes in the value of stories to help us uncover moments of grace and beauty and expand our capacities for creativity and compassion. Coronavirus has radically shifted our lives and schedules. Now that we’re three months in to shelter in place in many metro areas, people are beginning to speculate on how society might reshape itself after we survive this pandemic. A few of the authors we represent, as literary publicists with Authors, Large and Small , have written pieces inspired by the psychological experience of quarantine. Some look to the big picture and speak out on ecology and economics, while others look inward, seeing this as a time to process and heal personal and communal grief, and to reconnect with neglected aspects of our lives. In this short series,...