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Referral Corner

-- Quote of the Day -- 

“Prejudice is a burden that confused the past,
 threatens the future 
and renders the present inaccessible.”

~ Maya Angelou

-- Referral Corner -- 

  • While many individuals have already completed their xmas shopping chores, there are a lot of folks out there who have plenty of shopping yet to do - and will be shopping for themselves in the future as well. There is a great way to do your shopping and raise funds for charity at the same time!  Visit - choose any charity you want to support at that moment from the list of some 1400 of those listed there and start your online shopping. The businesses you are shopping at will then donate to that charity. You can choose a different charity every time you shop online if you like, or support just your favorite one. It's an amazing opportunity to help your dollars make a difference with little effort on your part. Again - that's

  • For your entertainment - check out the Make A Difference Movie which shares a moving story about our tendency to judge without understanding the cause of the behavior or appearance we are seeing in others. It will have you rethinking responses and hopefully become more compassionate for others. Go to:

  • And for the final resource of the day - we've included some information on what we can do about all those plastic cards we receive - everything from phone cards to membership cards. Click on the image below, which will open in a new window and allow you to zoom in and browse the information it contains.

How to be Green when Printing your Plastic Cards - Free InfoGraphicInfoGraphic authored by Harry Bugg Limited, available to help you with your Green Plastic Card Printing needs.

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
