-- Quote of the Day --
“…We do need to switch the way we produce energy… but what resonates about our message is that we can spend all our time yelling and arguing about what we can do to produce energy – or we can do things that give our life a richer tone and also take less energy so that we do not need to produce that energy in the first place. …You know, you wash with cold water, you can save as much as 80% of your washing bill, because heating water is so energy intensive. Hang laundry on a line and you save even more money. …The dryer is an incredibly energy intensive appliance, the second biggest in the household – only the refrigerator is higher. …The dryer is responsible for as much as 10% of North America’s energy consumption. …Generally the commercial washing outfit, where someone is in business to make money by washing someone’s clothes, they are going to purchase the most energy and water efficient model available, because their machines tend to be in use 5-10 times a day. …For sure, it is more efficient to do your laundry at a commercial outfit, as long as the transportation involved in doing this doesn’t negate the savings. …In the US alone 99 million dollars of property dollars from dryer fires every year.... So that is a pretty high economic toll in terms of carbon footprint and also in terms of dollars and lives…”
~ Alexander Lee 07/08/08
“…We do need to switch the way we produce energy… but what resonates about our message is that we can spend all our time yelling and arguing about what we can do to produce energy – or we can do things that give our life a richer tone and also take less energy so that we do not need to produce that energy in the first place. …You know, you wash with cold water, you can save as much as 80% of your washing bill, because heating water is so energy intensive. Hang laundry on a line and you save even more money. …The dryer is an incredibly energy intensive appliance, the second biggest in the household – only the refrigerator is higher. …The dryer is responsible for as much as 10% of North America’s energy consumption. …Generally the commercial washing outfit, where someone is in business to make money by washing someone’s clothes, they are going to purchase the most energy and water efficient model available, because their machines tend to be in use 5-10 times a day. …For sure, it is more efficient to do your laundry at a commercial outfit, as long as the transportation involved in doing this doesn’t negate the savings. …In the US alone 99 million dollars of property dollars from dryer fires every year.... So that is a pretty high economic toll in terms of carbon footprint and also in terms of dollars and lives…”
~ Alexander Lee 07/08/08
I adore this quote that was gleaned from an interview with Alexander Lee who was on Conscious Discussions talk radio show to represent the Project Laundry List organization. I encourage you to check out this very informative archived interview by clicking on the hyper-linked show title here or looking to the right for a link to the Conscious Discussions talk radio show. When you get there, simply look to the right for the archives, choose September, 2008 and click the play button beside Alexander's interview. It really is as easy as that - and it is free! :)
-- Positive Conscious Living Resources --
Urban Green Girl is a wonderful site managed by Carmen (a.k.a. "urban green girl") that offers readers a way to learn about green lifestyle options for urban dwellers - This blog aims to tackle the everyday problems we face at an individual level, from the products we buy and the food we eat, to the ingredients we put on our body, how we consume and how we clean. www.urbangreengirl.com
Lions Led By Sheep is a fantastic blog managed by Steve Lee exploring environmental, conservation, and human rights issues - www.LionsledbySheep.com
Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at www.brummet.ca
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