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Eco-resources, composting & climate change

-- World Environment Day --

Wow! Today is World Environment Day!! We are also in the last few days of Canadian Environment Week - a great time to look at how we can make a difference in our own lives for the planet. Our book Trash Talk is filled with ideas, the ideas in just one chapter can save the average individual enough money to pay for the book!

Trash Talk discusses the 4-R’s of waste management and the proper order for them. This being Refuse, Reduce, Reuse then Recycle… before we even consider sending the item to the trash bin. Trash Talk focuses on the third R, Reuse – which also saves people a lot of money (through reduced shopping, reduced utility bills...) and provides a way to make a real and measurable contribution towards a healthier planet. The book enables readers to feel more positive in life and leave a lasting legacy. Check out the table of contents, reviews and more information about the book at:

-- Apologies --

I do have to make one public apology today due to an error on my part yesterday. I was due to appear as a featured guest on the Poetic Monthly Radio show and I was unable to make the appointment. I do apologize to everyone - I know there were a lot of our friends out there in cyberland who were looking forward to hearing me talk about the world of poetry and share some of my work on this show. The host, Martin White, has graciously rebooked the interview for July 23.

-- Recomended Positive Eco-Resources --

Climate Change, Kids Site:
This site is a wonderful place for families, schools or youth groups to visit. Learn about climate change, weather, greenhouse effects, composting, recycling, how to make a difference, fun stuff for teachers, a climate change caluclator and more!

Compost! - my favorite topic of all time (lol):

These two sites above were sent to me by Micah L. who wanted us to share them with our readers here on the blog. I highly recommend the sites. Learn answers to common, and not so common, composting questions - watch videos to discover new information on composting and more.

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
