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Environment resources & interviews

-- Quote of the Day --

"I must have the purity of my own heart, stance, and intent toward others. This is the seed of all inner peace."
~ H. E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

-- Eco- Resources --

Ok, As many of you are already aware, all week I will be sharing amazing environmental resources that we featured in the year 2007 at Conscious Discussions talk radio show. We continue to be impressed by the incredible work these groups do.

- Seeds of Diversity: Information about heritage seeds, seed saving, plant diversity, garden history and your own garden heritage.

- Light House Sustainable Building Centre: Inspiration, information, services and skills they need to implement sustainable building solutions; education, training and outreach programs; community engagement, research, partnership development, technical assistance and consulting services...

- Conscientious Innovation: A sustainability think tank and marketing consultant company that looks "through the lens of sustainability to uncover business opportunities for leading brands".

- Earth Friendly Moving: Zero-waste moving/relocation alternative in the US, saving up to 50% inmoving costs.

- Earth Rights: Dedicated to securing a culture of peace & justice through networking, good will, sharing skils, promoting policies & programs that support human rights, heritage resources and ecological commmunities.

- Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup: Sign up for a shoreline cleanup and join Canadians from coast to coast who are helping to keep Canada's shorelines healthy.

-- Conscious Discussions Radio --

Today we feature the Save the Frog organization - founded by ecologist Dr. Kerry Kriger. Kerry holds a Ph.D in Environmental Science, and a Bachelor of Science a degree in Mechanical Engineering. His career included studies on endangered Hawaiian birds, human illness, teaching university courses and he has also written and edited several chapters for encyclopedias. Tri-lingual wildlife photographer Kerry Krigger is currently the Executive and Ecologist of Save the Frogs organization and we’ll be focusing on the work they do for amphibians. Click on the hyper-link above or look to the right side of this blog for a link to the Conscious Discussions talk radio show. (Airs Live at 10 AM - pacific)

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
