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Celebrating Diversity, Conservation & Eco-inventions

-- Quote of the Day --

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

-- Celebrating Diversity, Conservation & Eco-inventions --

September is Biodiversity & Conservation Month !!

Recently a Twitter-friend put out some information on a great article that was posted on Planetizen -

"A new study from the UK Royal Society has determined that geo-engineering techniques are technically feasible approaches to address high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the resulting global warming. ...The group did, however, caution that the viability of these techniques should not dissuade governments from other policies aimed at cutting emissions and energy use... or divert governments away from their efforts to reduce carbon emissions."

Apparently the group is looking at a variety of inventions from equipment that can scrub the air clean of CO2 and space equipment that can reflect the sun's rays or gather energy from the sun, among many other technologies. The possibilities are very exciting and I can hardly wait to see what the future holds.

** Don't forget to enter this week's prize draw to win a copy of my e-book: Towards Understanding or a copy of Jane Stanfield's book, Mapping Your Volunteer Vacation - Enter by emailing me with the word "prize" in the subject line: ldbrummet @ yahoo . com (*remove spaces before sending)

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