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Prize draw, E-cycling

-- Quote of the Day --

"The true measure of a man is how
he treats someone who
can do him absolutely no good"

~ Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784)

-- Reminder: Prize Draw Contest! Enter Today! --

Prize draw (
Dec 1-20th) is for the following:

Cathy Nesbitt is offering a copy of her DVD "Squirm"
a stainless steel water bottle (

-- Nora Weston has offered a copy of: Paranormal Pleasures Digest (

-- Lillian Brummet's poetry e-book: Towards Understanding (

To enter the draw all you need to do is:

Email me at: ldbrummet @ yahoo . com (**remove spaces before sending**) with the word "prize" in the subject line. *We never use email address for anything outside of this contest. Deadline: Dec 20th @ noon (pacific).

-- Positive Eco-News --

The Weekender newspaper
(serving the Boundary region of BC, Canada) reported that Teck E-cycling a company based in Trail began by recycling televisions computers and a few other electronic items on a trial basis in 2006 and has since grown to process 25,00 metric tones of e-waste and currently handles about 40% of the e-waste generated in the province of BC. Today they now accept televisions, fax machines, computers, monitors, desktop printers, keyboards, mice and other peripherals (speakers, cords, etc) and expect to grow their production line by 40% in the upcoming year. With 20 people currently employed by the company, they fully expect to hire new employees to help them grow to meet this demand.

-- Announcement --

Lillian's brother, Gary sent her a notice about an article he and his son were interviewed for regarding the family's work with Free Geek - a non-profit e-waste organization:

"Kado and I were interviewed for a Vancouver Courier article about Free Geek, where we volunteer. The article is also online:

There is also a video of the Free Geek in Portland, which is the model for the Vancouver based one... titled "Helping the needy get nerdy!" at: "

We are so proud of Gary and his family for the work they do to make the world a better place. I certainly appreciated Gary's comments about how participating in programs like this is a great way to bond with family members, by doing an activity that has no relation to their household issues. You can find Lillian's brother at: & Free Geek at:

** Kudos to Gary, Kado & family!

-- Little Known Fact --

Did you know that Dave's uncle, Tony Brummet, was once an environment minister in Canada?
We did some research on his work during his tenure in office and were very impressed to find the incredible impact Dave's Uncle Tony has had, including the creation of parks in our region - one of which we had the pleasure of visiting several years ago! I think his actual title was: B.C. Minister of Lands, Parks and Housing wa& has been in the world of politics from 1979-1991 according. Uncle Tony is more like a distant relative to us, however just living his life the way he has, the effect is that he has influenced our work as well. He is credited for this influence in our upcoming Trash Talk - Its Easy to be Green! e-book series.

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
