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backyard wildlife habitat

-- Quote of the Day --

"It's about where we are in this time of life... It's about looking back without remorse about the things that escaped your grasp. And out of that comes this great acceptance about being happy about where you're now at."

~ Jim Cuddy (of Blue Rodeo)

-- Announcements --

Our three books are now listed in the Coalition of Independent Authors website, check out the links (below) to find numerous interesting authors, besides us!


Dave & I were awarded the Backyard Habitat Certificate from Canadian Wildlife Federation in recognition for "outstanding effort in helping wildlife through the creation of habitat".

This is an exciting and rewarding experience for us, being recognized for the work we have done over the years on this property. When we moved here, the property was pretty sparse - even the grass was hard-put to grow. Now, however, we have a fully fenced property that is completely surrounded by landscape beds holding hundreds of different types of plants with different sized flowers, heights and winter habits (including night-blooming plants) that feed and house a multitude of insects and wildlife. We've created 7 large raised garden beds for food, but as always even there we have biodiversity in mind. We created a small fountain/pond which provides many drinking areas for all the insects and bees. We also planted several trees and shrubs and fruiting vines (raspberries). On top of this we installed several different bird feeders and 7 bird houses. We did this by growing our own soil (from composting for the neighbors & our own organic waste), increasing worm population and used organic amendments only and watering these beds with soaker hoses (which use 1/5th the water that overhead sprinklers use). Every year we do something new to the yard - This year, for instance, we'll be planting several types of perennial grasses and installing an underground sprinkler system to reduce water consumption even more.

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
