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Showing posts from May, 2010

music, recycling & Live Chat for writers !!!

-- Quote of the Day -- “…I received a phone call from DR Robert Jones (former consultant to NASA) and he’s been studying my music, he said “we’ve been doing preliminary studies on your music and we’ve found that your music has frequencies that actually void negative energy fields and promotes a higher level of consciousness.” …Humanity has dumped over 60,000 chemicals in our air, food and water, all kinds of electronics that put out electronic pollution in the air that impacts our physical health… …In reality we are connected to a field of energy – everything is energy - …but what really blew my mind was when they started doing demonstrations of how things we use every day affect us.”  ~ Mark Romero ( March 16, 2010) Today's quote originated from a Conscious Discussions Radio interview with Mark Romero that aired on Marcy 16, 2010. The archive of the interview is available for anyone to access at their convenience - click on this show title here: Music Therapy -- Defin...
-- Announcement -- Please join me on May 29 - I'm going to be interviewed at Paula Zone   

Writer Interview #18

-- Announcement -- In fulfillment of my agreement to take several days off from the office work every single month - I will be out of the office from Thursday afternoon (May 20) to Monday morning (May 31st) -- I will respond to all emails, etc when I return. I'm sure my gardens will appreciate the extra attention I intend to shower them with this weekend :) -- Writer Interview #18 -- Cate Masters writes fantasy/dark fantasy, historical, contemporary and speculative fiction, described by reviewers as “so compelling, I did not want to put it down,” “such romantic tales that really touch your soul,” “filled with action scenes which made it a riveting story,” and “the author weaves a great tale with a creative way of using words that makes the story refreshing to read.” The proud mom of three adult children, she currently lives in central Pennsylvania with her husband, Lily the dog, their dictator-like cat, Chairman Maiow, and dozens of characters inhabiting her imagination. Vi...

Writing can change the world...

-- Quote of the Day -- " In three words I can sum up  everything I've learned about life:  it goes on ." ~  Robert Frost -- Announcement --  Just this morning a guest post article I created for the Wise Words Blog was released and is now available. In this article I talk about the importance of writing, whether or not you plan to be a published writer, whether or not you plan on showing it to anyone during your lifetime. The act of writing can change the world - one person at a time. Check it out at: -- Conscious Discussions Radio --   Our guest on today's episode of the Conscious Discussions radio show: Philip Yaffe resides in Belgian and is the author of The Gettysburg Approach to Writing and Speaking like a Professional – and of another book titled: In the “I” of the Storm: the Simple Secrets of Writing & Speaking (Almost) like a Professional .  In the past as a young adult, Philip ...

Writer Interview #16

-- Quote of the Day -- " The beautiful part of writing is that you don't have to get it right the first time,   unlike, say, a brain surgeon. You can always do it better , find the exact word,  the apt phrase,   the leaping simile ."   ~ Robert Cormier -- Chatter -- Wow, Can you believe it is May 26th already? Time has sped up for me this year, more noticeably that the past. It has been an incredibly busy spring season, dealing with my parents' estate matters since January, all the work around the property, a heavy schedule in the office... And here it is, nearly the end of May! I'll be taking a few days off this month - which means I'll be out of the office -  between  May 28 and May 31... Your patience is appreciated during that time frame. -- Writer Interview #17 -- Our discussion today will focus on authors promoting literacy. Joining us is B. Swangin Webster, who worked on her first novel, Let Me Just Say This , fo...

Positive Living & Writing...

-- Conscious Discussions Radio -- Our guest on today's episode of the Conscious Discussions radio show: Philip Yaffe was unable to join us this morning to give us tips on How to Write and Speak Like a Professional due to a bit of a cold he picked up. We are in the process of rescheduling with him. So instead, I will offer a Positive Eco-News   discussion revolving around Water Month (May) and will cover issues from bottled water to the health of our water. Check it out by following the links here, or look to the right side of this blog to find live or recently aired Conscious Discussions episodes. -- Writer Interview #16 -- Today's guest author was sent our way from Brandi Drury of BK Walker Books   Urban fiction writer and entertainment blogger, Vogue - was born April L. Blanding. She is holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work and is passionate about her work as a Program Contractor with the Teen Health Center for York County in South Carolin...

Sunda Gardening!!

-- Quote of Day --   " The measure of who we are  is what we do  with what we have !" ~ Vince Lombardi (1913-1970), Football coach -- Conscious Discussions Radio -- Sunday Gardening # 26 airs today at 10 AM (pacific) on Conscious Discussions Talk radio show. Today the focus will be on pollination. Check it out by clicking on the hyper-linked radio show title above - or look to the right side of this blog for links to recently aired episodes. As always, the show will be archived and available for anyone to listen to at their convenience via the links provided. Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows and free resources and more at:

International day of Biodiversity

-- Quote of the Day -- "Accountability breeds response-ability."  - Stephen R Covey -- International Day of Biodiversity -- Today is International Day of Biodiversity. According to the Convention on Biological Diversity ( ) " The United Nations proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity  to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. " Last year's theme focused on invasive species - this year's theme focuses on green space development and poverty alleviation. So many plants and animals are threatened by human activities - that we have lost about 30% of the animal diversity in the last 50 years. Did you know that there is an unprecedented decline in the number of species happening right now, every single day? During the last century as much as 75% of our food biodiversity has died out and only 10% remains!! Every single one of us has played a role in this vast destruction - and yet, because this ...

Making Choices, Poetry & Team Writing

-- Quote of the Day -- “ I’m 64.5 years old and I meet a lot of people who say, ‘I can’t change, I’ve always done this…’ and I think of myself as a perfect example and say, ‘Of course you can change! As long as you are alive, you can make choices and decisions based on what you think is right.’ … I get to be out there and show people that you can be 60, 70, 80, or 90 and still change and grow. …The first step for greening any event is the the 3- R’s, which sounds so basic. …Think about how you can reduce – maybe the party can be done with less food, less packaging. …And Reuse, How can we do this and make it fun? Perhaps everyone can bring their own plate of food. …and of course for recycling make sure that you have the recycling bins and compost bucket ready for use. …If you took one item with reduce, one with reuse, one with recycle – you would be so much farther down the road (of greening your world) ” ~ Lynn Colwell (Oct 15, 2009) Today's inspiring quote of th...

Bottled Water & Literacy for Youth

 -- Quote of the Day --   "In life decide whether or not you  are going to be honorable or not  - never follow always lead." ~ Phil Kammer -- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- In honor of Youth Month (May), Ina Hillebrandt and Lillian will be discussing the various issues and positive programs for childhood literacy. Ina is the author of Pawprints - an an uplifting collection of short "tails" about close encounters of the furry kind. This book project grew into a literacy program that began as a workshop for the Jane Goodall Institute . Ina is also the president of Pawpress and founder of the Pawprints Literacy Plus Organization . Join us today by clicking on the show title link: Pawprints Literacy Plus ...And check out the comment section for today's episode to find related interviews that have aired in the past on the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show.   -- Bottled Water -- May is also Water Month and there a...

Grab a Snowflake & Greening Lifestyles

-- Quote of the Day -- “… Green product purchasing doesn’t mean we encourage over consumption – but there are products that you do need and we help to direct people to better choices… than just the mainstream products that we may be used to. …Often people would tell me ‘this is a green product’ but I would be wondering WHY that product was green. …We do a number of things to green our shipping we default to ground shipping because it is the most efficient per order. We use 100% reclaimed boxes and packaging materials (from neighbors, friends, companies) and use that for our shipping. We also purchase carbon offsets for the shipping involved in purchasing on And actually – there have been studies that show how shopping online can actually reduce one’s carbon footprint. …Going green doesn’t have to be done all at once; it can be done one step at a time. ”  ~ Allison Huke Sept 15 – 2009 Today's quote was taken from a Conscious Discussions Talk Radio s...

There Are No Little Things

-- Quote of the Day -- " Sometimes when I consider  what tremendous consequences  come from little things, I am tempted to think  there are no little things ." ~ Bruce Barton -- Conscious Discussions Radio -- Today on Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show I will be interviewing Tala Rezai of Fashionable Earth - a nonprofit organization based in California focusing on eco-friendly design and sustainable fashion. The business motto is: “ to reduce, reuse and restyle ”. Learn about different types of fabrics, and the manufacturing process of clothing – which is greener? Safer for us? Healthier for the planet? What to look for when wanting to support sustainable, conscious companies… All of this and more will be covered - Join us live, or access the archived interview, by clicking on this link: Eco-friendly Fashion Choices Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows and free resources and more at: www.brumm...