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Grab a Snowflake & Greening Lifestyles

-- Quote of the Day --

“…Green product purchasing doesn’t mean we encourage over consumption – but there are products that you do need and we help to direct people to better choices… than just the mainstream products that we may be used to. …Often people would tell me ‘this is a green product’ but I would be wondering WHY that product was green. …We do a number of things to green our shipping we default to ground shipping because it is the most efficient per order. We use 100% reclaimed boxes and packaging materials (from neighbors, friends, companies) and use that for our shipping. We also purchase carbon offsets for the shipping involved in purchasing on And actually – there have been studies that show how shopping online can actually reduce one’s carbon footprint. …Going green doesn’t have to be done all at once; it can be done one step at a time.” 

~ Allison Huke Sept 15 – 2009

Today's quote was taken from a Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show interview that aired back on Sept 15, 2009. This discussion focused on how to create a Green Lifestyle, One Step At A Time. Check out the archived interview by clicking on the hyper-linked show title, or visit the radio show home-page via the link above and look for Sept 2009 to find this interview.

-- Brummet's in the Media --

Drop by the BK Walker Books Etc blog to find an interview with me (Lillian). Brandi asked some very interesting questions in this interview - How Dave and I are able to write together, the dreams that have been realized because of our writing endeavors, and the difficulties we overcame as writers. I truly enjoyed this interview experience and encourage other authors to drop Brandi a line to develop a networking relationship with her. Leave a comment, with your URL, to enter the contest to win a copy of the Purple Snowflake Marketing e-book ($16.47). Check out the interview via the direct link: Grab a Snowflake As Shown By Author Lillian Brummet

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows and free resources and more at:

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