-- Quote of the Day --
"Sometimes I go about pitying myself;
And all the while I am being carried
On great winds across the sky."
~ Chipppewa Saying
-- Brummets In the Media --
Join us on the 24'th in Kelowna BC (Canada) at the Chapters Bookstore in Orchard Park Mall where Dave and I will be appearing for a couple hours - starting at 10 AM pacific - to talk about the 4 R-s of waste management and the importance of keeping compost out of the landfill.
-- Water Awareness --
Water use awareness is likely to be a hot topic this time of year. Reservoirs may be getting low, cities are issuing warnings to people abusing the times they are allowed to water... people are flocking to the lakes and enjoying the growing beaches, as the water recedes.
We now understand water reuse like never before, and there are some very interesting programs in place. Check out this one:
The University of Connecticut sets a precedence in the US with their waste water reuse programs, which go as far as using effluent from the treatment plant. The collected "waste" water undergoes a series of microfiltration and a reverse osmosis programs before it is reused for non-potable purposes such as feed-water for the Central Utilities Plant, (which uses modern boiler and cooling tower technology). Use of ultraviolet and chlorine sterilizing methods are employed for the holding tanks as required, depending on the results of the constant testing for quality.
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows and free resources and more at: www.brummet.ca
* * Support the Brummet's work by telling your friends, or purchasing a book - each book sold raises funds for charity as well!
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