-- Quote of the Day --
“I used to believe I was going in the wrong direction sometimes… it is important to accept my life experiences and learn from them… accept your personal accountability for what happens and move on. …Instead of worrying about the fairness of it all we must learn to be a river – go with the flow. …We all have an invisible bucket – and that is a great way to picture our feelings. When our bucket is full we are having positive feelings joyful, happy, …grateful. When our buckets are empty we might be sad or angry or jealous or any of these negative feelings. We can choose to be a bucket filler or a bucket dipper. A bucket filler helps make other people feel good by the things we do and say; a bucket dipper does just the opposite. The best way to keep our bucket full, is to fill other people’s buckets. …we are in charge of our buckets, all the time.”
Stacey Lundgren ~ June 24, 2010
Today's quote came from an interview with Stacey on the Conscious Discussions radio show that aired back on June 24 re: Creating a Fulfilling Life
* Click on the hyper-linked show title above to hear this interview or click on the radio title above to find all of our archived and upcoming episodes.
-- Positive Eco-News --
I wonder if our readers here had a chance to read a previous post on e-waste... I just published a comment that one of our readers had on that piece, where they offered a URL. I followed that URL to a fantastic article, and a discussion that followed the publication of that article - and highly recommend it. Do scroll down and check it out.
Also, I wanted to give applause to some great efforts that deserve celebrating:
Congratulations to the US, where their paper recycling industry has reached a record high of 63.4% recovery rate! That means that of the new paper purchased in the US, nearly 64% of it was recycled. Fantastic contributions to a greener planet by Americans. ☺
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blogs, and more at: www.brummet.ca * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or purchasing a book - each book sold raises funds for charity as well!
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