-- Quote of the Day --
" You've done it before
And you can do it now.
See the positive possibilities;
Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration
And turn it into positive, effective
Unstoppable determination. "
~ Ralph Martson
-- Chatter --
Once again, a little late on getting my blog post up this morning - apologies for that, but I've been busily putting together our Brummet's Muse bi-weekly newsletter, which is due for publication today. Also, it is awesome to hear from so many old friends on FaceBook! I'd like to share my appreciation for that, and for the wonderful communications as of late from our listeners and readers. Dave and I appreciate you all! :)
-- Conscious Events --
September has a lot of events and conscious living, awareness activities planned for the entire month. The month itself is set aside as Preparedness Month, both Child Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Vegetarian Month... As such I'm sure you will see a lot of notices and articles in your local publications regarding events and causes in your area that relate to these holidays.
Preparation is always a difficult one since life is ever changing and the planet, being as she is, can be very different from one moment to the next. However, we can be sure to have a stock of canned goods, some dehydrated foods and dry foods on hand. Dave keeps a 5 gallon jug of water (like those you see on top of water coolers in the office) on hand, but this is always kept fresh since we take it with us on long trips and camping excursions. Starting your own garden, even on a balcony or window sill, can be beneficial as well - or participate in a local community garden. Growing your own vegetables and fruits with healthy soil is the best way to ensure free food that is nutrient rich, picked fresh every day. Experiment with cold crops this winter to see what you can successfully grow in your area. Gardening is great exercise and it helps combat global warming issues in all kinds of ways.
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blogs, and more at: www.brummet.ca * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or purchasing a book - each book sold raises funds for charity as well!
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