-- Quote of the Day --
RE: Saving Race Horses
“We give them a transition between that athletic lifestyle and learn how to be a horse again – preparing them for the next phase. … I found it very surprising that there was a need for something like what we provide. And once I realized that I think I was just humbled that I could make a difference… For me, these horses are just so inspiring – I feel like they have brought out the best in me. I feel that they give me so much more than I can give them.”
~ Lynn Reardon ~ Aug 24 2010
Today's quote originates from the Saving Racehorses interview that aired back on Aug 24th this year on the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show. Check out the hyper-linked show title to access this interview or look to the sidebars on this blog for more recently aired Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episodes.
-- Brummets in the Media --
Please join us live, or access the archived recording of the interview... comments are welcome!
9 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific
topics will include:
- the business of Writing
- Saving Money by Reuse
- Poetry
- Developing Media Skills
- Managing Blogs, a Newsletters & a Radio show
How cool is this??
I've been notified that our work will be featured on Oct 25 via the Walker Muse Blog:
Manager Brandi Drury has kindly offered us a featured spot there on her blog, in "acknowledgment" of people she knows and respects. Brandi tells me this will be an interactive experience and as such readers can post comments and interact with the host and myself.
Please check it out on Monday, Oct 25 :
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blogs, and more at: www.brummet.ca
* Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or purchasing a book - each book sold raises funds for charity as well!
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