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Nature's Healing Power

-- Quote of the Day --

Example sheds a genial ray 
Which men are apt to borrow, 
So first improve yourself today, 
And then your friends tomorrow 

~ Anonymous

 -- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --

Our guest today is: Clare Marcus - here today to speak about her love of nature, of the Scottish Island known as Iona in particular, and how her pilgrimage there helped heal her troubled heart. We will be talking about writing memoirs and the healing power of both writing and of nature. She is also the owner of Healing Landscapes, a consulting firm that specializes in the analysis of outdoor space in health care settings.  – She is recognized internationally for her work on the social and psychological implications of urban house and garden design.   Check out the live interview from 10-11 AM Pacific this morning, or access the archived show at your convenience via the  hyper-linked show title: Nature's Healing Power

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