-- Quote of the Day --
“I’d like to encourage everyone to grow something they can eat just for the experience and to see that it is so easy. Whether it is some herbs in a pot on the patio or in a window box… anyone can do it if you have a little bit of light and a little bit of space. …And the more of us who grow a little bit of our own (food), the better it will be for our planet. …Growing a Row for the Needy was started by the National Garden Association of America …it is so easy to do.
…Share it with a neighbor, or an elderly person…
it is just a wonderful gift to give something you have grown.”
Find the full discussion - Sunday Gardening, with Guest Daria Bowman that aired back on April 17 via this link:
-- Brummet's in the Media --
I have been invited to do a radio interview with: WIN (Weening away from the Insights of Negativity) - Monday (today) from 11am-12pm eastern...8-9AM Pacific. The host is a student of communications in this university: Tekneshia Day...
Find the interview and university radio show at: www.claytonstateradio.com
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blogs, and more at: www.brummet.ca
* Support the Brummets by telling your friends, sharing on Social Networking sites, and visiting the Brummet's Store
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