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Greening and Encouraging the Arts

-- Quote of the Day --

“…We just want to encourage everybody in all types of situations – youth with one or two parents, those who are on their own, people who have finished college, people who don’t have a job… Some of these people have been told that their dreams will not make them successful, but by telling them [this] …it makes them think that pursuing these things, they won’t be happy – and that is just not true. …We don’t want anybody to quit pursuing their education, but we do want to give them the extra experience [of working in the arts as a professional]. ” 

~ Quiana Green

Today's quote originates from the interview titled: Inner City Youth - which aired back on May 3 via the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show – with Quiana Green

-- Green Arts --

Yesterday we talked about green transportation, green business and different shades of green involved in future energy sources... Today I'd like to focus on how green the arts can be. Crafters, seamstress, quilting, woodworkers, doll makers, and artists of all shapes and sizes are notorious re-users. 

I read of a fantastic inspiring story about  the artist Christina Nick – who’s steel sculptures are actually welded exclusively from recycled materials. According to the article I read in the West Kootenay Advertiser, she literally visits scrap yards, backyards, and farmers fields to find metal that appeals to her. As an artist she is inspired by the shapes that she sees in the scraps of metal. She has a strong passion for nature and this is shown in her artwork as well. The article quotes her as saying “taking discarded and used metal and making something beautiful from it is special to me”.  View her work and contact her via:

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