-- Quote of the Day --
“…I like to water in the
morning, because the water has a chance to soak in the soil, and if the leaves
or stems get wet – they will have a chance to dry off before the cool of
evening sets in. …Succession crops involves planting the same crop a week or
two apart to allow for succession harvest – it allows you to extend the garden,
grow more. …and you have more ability to go with the seasons. …It is just a
great way for gardeners to harvest what they can eat that week, without being
overwhelmed. ..and it is really good if you are doing open-pollinated plants
and you want to save the seed
because you can stagger the crops so that they flower at different times –
keeping the seed pure.”
~ Sheri Ann Richerson
Today's quote originates from the May 8th Sunday Gardening episode featuring Sheri Ann Richerson as our special guest.
-- Reusing Plastics --
An assistant professor of civil and environmental
engineering at Temple University, Naji Khoury, has used a mixture of recyclable
plastic bottles and soil to create ‘Plastisoil’, a trademarked product he
describes as an impervious cementing agent.
When mixed with course aggregate and heated, it
produces what Khoury calls ‘porous Plastisoil’, which functions like pervious
concrete and porous asphalt. Khoury said that Plastisoil could help
alleviate environmental problems created by storm water run-off because the water can filter through it into the ground below.
What is really cool about this product is the fact that the product is made of
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles, and so contributes to
the reduction of the 200 billion plastic bottles that are sent to landfills
each year.
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