-- Review --
I just received word that another review went out on the Towards Understanding book of poetry... which has recently been revised and now has 125 poems. This first edition that the review was based on talks about an "intense relationship" and what I meant by this is that I clung to the "love" I felt because I felt so unlovable, so unworthy - and so grateful that someone loved me as I was... even though I knew it was an unhealthy relationship. But this was just a small part of the topics covered in the book - you'll find that the poetry walks the reader through the healing process one goes through when dealing with a broken home life, the discovery of "self" and learning that I have a purpose in this life, that my life has some value. The book closes with this theme, offering a glimpse into the new journey I was entering into at the age of 25 or so.
I hope that you have the time to check out Haley's book review... and if you feel like picking up a copy, visit my site: www.brummet.ca
-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --
When I heard of Wind Power
Simplicity and the numerous awards they’ve won for their designs, I just
had to check them out and ended up listing them as a recommended resource back
on July 15th under the Referral Corner section of our Brummet’s Conscious Blog.
After speaking with Niki Koulouris – I realized we just had to have one of
their staff members on the show to talk about wind power, their amazing award
winning designs, and the concept of on-site sustainable generation of electricity.
Sharolyn Vettese will be our guest today, here to represent Wind Simplicity.
Live @ 10-11 AM (pacific) / 11-12 AM (mountain)... with a live chat room open for our listeners as well.
Alternatively, you can access the archived interview at your convenience later on via the same link:
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blog, and more at: www.brummet.ca * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or visiting the Brummet's Store - every sale raises funds for charity as well!
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