-- Conscious Living Event --
27, 2012
Organic Magic with Worms
Organic Magic with Worms
Aurora branch of the Royal Canadian Legion
105 Industrial Pkwy N
Aurora, ON (Canada)
Blisters: Spousal Behaviors That Rub You Wrong (or raw).
Even Angelina (Jolie) will tell you that Brad has a behavior
or two that annoys and frustrates her. In the beginning of a marriage an
annoying behavior is not as magnified as it becomes later on. We are in that
honeymoon phase where "leaving one's clothes thrown on the bathroom
floor" is tolerable. Maybe, we surmise, the habit will go away - out of
nowhere he or she will start putting the clothes in the hamper vs. the floor.
For the one who tolerates this habit for several years, it often becomes
a pain, a sore, and then a blister -an open wound. It is a natural thing to
reach a point, of wanting things to change. Physical blisters can be healed,
and so can marriage blisters. We just need to own up to them, find a
solution to resolve them with our partner, letting the healing begin so the
positives of our marriages wins out.
Patricia Bubash is currently looking for stories to include
in her upcoming book: Marriage Blisters:
Spousal Behaviors That Rub You Wrong (or raw).
Anyone can contribute their thoughts and respond to the
three main questions Patricia supplied for contributors:
1. What is the annoying, irritating behavior?
2. What is your coping method: ignore it, get
angry, insult your spouse, etc?
3. Do you see this as detrimental to your marriage?
* Deadline is April 15th
Email contributions to:
Patricia Bubash
M.Ed, LPC; Counselor / Author / Speaker
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blog, and more at: www.brummet.ca
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