May 6-12 =
International Compost Week
-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --
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Vol 43 of the Sunday Gardening series today!
We'll be focusing on common chores that gardeners often face in May. Got Questions? Let us know!
We'll be focusing on common chores that gardeners often face in May. Got Questions? Let us know!
*Sunday Gardening segments air every 3 weeks or so during the garden season for zone 5, focusing on biodynamic, succession crops, permiculture, organic and sustainable, easy-to-manage gardens.
us live from 10-11 AM (Pacific) and drop in the live chat room; or
access the archive of today's episode at your convenience later on:
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* Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or visiting the Brummet's Store - every sale raises funds for charity as well!
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