-- Preserving Food --
Today's article was submitted to us via Stacy of Extra Space Storage on behalf of the author: Tim Eyre works with customers on behalf of http://www.extraspace.com, helping them with
their self storage needs. Tim also write on self storage, recycling, energy
conservation and other topics at http://blog.extraspace.com
Can Do Attitude
What You Can and Can't Do When Canning
Canning may be a fairly simple process, but it does have its
pitfalls. Especially when we're first learning to can, it can be heartbreaking
to find a lid unsealed after processing, or a green bean going black or moldy
after a few weeks in the jar. Fortunately, we can not only learn from our
mistakes, but we can also lean on the advice of other canning masters in order
to avoid future "jams" in the process. Over the years I have had the
opportunity to learn from several great canners and while I still worry a
little over each batch, with every try I become more confident, especially when
I hear that positive little "pop!" of a well-sealed lid.
The Process of Canning
With canning, cleanliness is the most important rule. Clean
your prep area, clean your tools and most importantly, sterilize your jars,
lids and screw bands (jar rings) before filling. To sterilize, wash your jars,
lids and screw bands with warm, soapy water and rinse. Then place your lids in your
pressure canner and put your jars on top of the lids to keep them from floating
away. Using a pressure canner is important if you want to be absolutely sure
about your final product. With a pressure canner, you can be certain that the
right amount of pressure is being applied during the final boil and that the
jars receive the correct processing. The screw bands can either be placed in a
basket inside the pressure canner or boiled separately. Boil all items for 10
minutes to sterilize.
A quick note about your jars: you can reuse jars and screw
bands as long as both are in excellent condition. And by "excellent,"
that means no dings, dents, nicks, scrapes, bends, rust, bits missing or
anything that might weaken the overall integrity of your product. Lids should
always be brand new for each jar.
If you're preparing a cold recipe, or one in which no heat
is used, make sure your jars are warm but not hot when you add your product.
Jars that are too hot might crack when the cold product hits it. Jars can be
removed from the sterilization bath and placed upright on a towel to cool, or
removed just as you are ready to add your product. No matter what, place the
jars on a towel while filling to keep them from sliding away. A canning funnel
works wonders for those with unsteady hands or big pots of preserves.
Check your recipe for the amount of space you should leave
at the top of your jar while filling. The distance is an important factor in
the sealing process. Leave too much or two little space and your lid might not
seal correctly. When measuring how much to add, the very top of the jar, or the
lip, is considered the top, not the area below the screw rings. Once filled,
run a small, thin spatula or knife around the inside edges of your jar to
remove any air bubbles. Air bubbles might cause the level of your product to
drop in the jar while boiling and either cause the jar not to seal or discolor
any product sticking out above the water line. Lastly, place the sterilized lid
on top of the jar and gently screw the screw band into place. Don't apply too
much pressure - just enough to hold the lid down while it's boiling.
The last step is the actual processing. Again, follow your
recipe precisely on this one. Place your jars in your pressure canner so that
they aren't touching each other and make sure the water comes to at least two
inches above the tallest jar. Close the canner and boil as instructed. Once
done, remove the jars and place on a towel, allowing them to cool for up to 24 hours.
If your canning went as planned, you should hear gentle popping noises from
your jars throughout the night as each lid seals in place.
After the jars have cooled, test your final product by
depressing the center of the lid. If it doesn't "pop" or move up and
down, it has sealed correctly. Another way to test this is to remove the screw
band and attempt to remove the lid. If you can bend it slightly or if the lid
comes off, then the jar did not seal. Fortunately, most recipes can be
reprocessed within two days as long as you follow the processing steps
Screw band suggestion: While some canners prefer to leave
the screw band on their final product, it can be beneficial to remove it. The
band could harbor moisture and potential bacteria, and a well-sealed jar
doesn't need the band to hold the lid in place. It looks good for decoration,
but it's not necessary http://www.thekitchn.com/tip-store-canned-jars-without-rings-170421
Once done, your canned products will last at least a year as
long as you store them in a dry place with temperatures between 50 and 70
degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to label and date them, and once you're happy with
the recipe and confident in your canning powers, share them with friends!
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blog, and more at: http://brummet.ca * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or visiting the Brummet's Store - every sale raises funds for charity as well!
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