-- Quote of the Day --
(on writing)
“…The most
important part of writing is re-writing – not taking away the excitement but
taking the extra words away. …It is important for writers to put something away
for a week or a month and then come back to it and cut and cut and change six
adjectives to one perfect one. …If you finish a chapter you sometimes get the
feeling it is done, so leave it before the end of the chapter so that you can
come back and start again. Never get the feeling, as a writer, that you are
done. …Editors will often make changes, and sometimes without your permission.
…But the person you have to satisfy is yourself.”
~ Francine Trevens
Today’s quote originates
from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode titled: Childhood Literacy
(*Click on the episode's title to access the full
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their
books, their radio program, blog, and more at: http://brummet.ca *
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