-- Quote of the Day --
“What are we passionate
about? What brings us Joy? What is going to make us happy? …So for all of us
the answers will be different. …I am very strong on the side of giving people
the opportunity to look at and list what they are up against and take that into
account when they set their goals. …Some people will give up – they take what
they have got as their lot in life. – Rather than paint the picture as an all
or nothing, you know ‘I failed’ or ‘there must be something wrong with me’ is
to do a clinical diagnostic: ‘what about this still matters to me; what really
went wrong here; was there something I could have done differently’. …You are
not doing this to beat up on yourself, but so that you can learn something.
Look at this as a source of information. …I try to eliminate the word balance
because it feels like we are taking time away from something in order to do
something else. …Instead it should be more prioritizing what is most important
to you right now; where we want to allocate the time that we have.”
Beverly Flaxington
Today’s quote originates
from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on … titled: Reaching for RealisticGoals
(*Click on the title to access the full
-- Referral Corner --
This portion of our blog enables us to share recommended resources that we hope our readers will take the time to check out.
Columbia-Kootenay Foundation:
This organization invests donations and using only the dividends, improves the efficiency and effectiveness of other registered charities and provides grants to offer relief of poverty; educational needs; social welfare and health issues; programs for the aged, the disabled; preservation and protection of the environment; advancement of the arts; heritage appreciation; prevention of delinquency and substance abuse.
Info: http://ckfoundation.com
Janis Friesler notified me of this resource - AssistingAuthors.com - where an author can send her a jpg of the
book cover, their Amazon sales page link, the genre, and the website or blog
link, and she will promote the book on the page for no cost. The only
thing they need to do is if anyone requests to review their book, they must
choose any book from the page that interests them and review that book, putting
the review on Amazon and Goodreads. So it acts like a hub for authors to
do cross promotions and cross book review projects. The advantage of all this
is that the authors receive established backlinks to their site, which will
help with their Search Engine rankings. The authors can use the published
reviews or cross promotions as fodder for their social networking and blog
posts as well.
This organization offers self-funding
volunteers a unique opportunity to work abroad at leading
wildlife conservation, rehabilitation and research programs in South Africa
and Namibia.
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: http://brummet.ca * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
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