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Of Outlines and Steel

-- Quote of the Day -- 

My writing process – I outline everything out. …I actually write an outline that is about 10,000 words or 40 pages worth of material. For me it is helpful to be able to stop and think - and be sure that all the pieces fall in together. …You really have to decide where you want to spend your time. …if I want to start writing then that is something that moves up in the priority list. …I might say ‘hey I want to write 1000 words a day’ – and if you do that for 60 days – then you’ll have a finished book.  …It is tiring to sit and write for 8-10 hours a day, so breaking it into little chunks where you have an hour or a half hour just to follow your outline and write.

~ Chris Rakunas

Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on Nov 4… titled: Delivering Hope to Haiti

 (*Click on the title to access the full discussion)

-- Positive News -- 

We were thrilled to read a report by the Steel Recycling Institute showing that recycle rates for steel has reached an “all-time high of 92%”. 

In fact steel is the most recycled item in North America, beating recycle rates for aluminum, paper, plastic, glass (with recycling rates increasing to 34% over all those items). 

Auto recycling is at 94%, appliance recycling is at 90%.


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