Networking Is About More Than Just Numbers
Article written by Jan Hill - a freelance Journalist who
writes for, offering official
Vistaprint coupons on networking
materials to help freelancers and other professionals make a strong impression.
Jan’s work has been featured in many newspapers, magazines, and business trade
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When it comes to business networking,
having a diverse network is just as important as having a large network,
according to Business
While it is human nature to want to
hang around (and network) with people who are like us, the problem is that they
often have similar contacts to the ones we have, making it difficult to grow
our network by connecting with new people or companies with which we want to do
Why a Diverse Network Is Important
Just as a diverse network can help someone
get a good job because a variety of acquaintances naturally improves a
jobseeker's chances of having at least one really useful contact, so variety in
a business network greatly improves a company's chances of attracting more
business and thereby increasing sales.
According to Business Insider, having a diverse network means just as much, and maybe
even more, than having a large network. For example, if your network is filled
with people from your industry or social group that are exactly like you, it
will eventually become narrow and predictable; whereas, if your network is
diverse, you're in a position to be connected with people you would have never
met otherwise, and these new contacts may be able to help you grow in ways you
never thought imaginable.
A diverse network enables business
owners to include linchpins in their network. Linchpins are people who cross
over between different groups of individuals because of their overlapping
interests or connections, and are not easily replaced, according to blogger and
marketing guru Seth Godin.
Connecting with linchpins is vital
because they can be gateways for their connections, creating shortcuts across
groups of people. As stated by Entrepreneur, the more diverse the network, the more likely it will contain one
or more linchpins that will link seemingly unrelated groups of people together.
Developing a Diverse Business Network
Networking means more than securing the
next sale. It should be a daily activity done to expand a business. To develop
a more diverse network, try connecting with people on a level other than
business -- possibly through hobbies or other interests that you may have in
common. These types of connections often result in deeper, more solid
relationships that will ultimately last longer than superficial connections
made only for business.
When your network is diverse, it is
more important than ever to maintain your connections by actively reaching out
through a note, phone call, meeting, email, or a link on a social media
channel. With the many options to reconnect that we have today, there is really
no excuse not to stay in touch.
If you desire to build a powerful
personal network, Dr. Ivan Misner of Business Networking has one suggestion for you -- branch out. Build a diverse network
of professional contacts that includes individuals that don't look like you,
sound like you, talk like you, or share your background, education, or history.
The only thing that they should have in common with you and the other people in
your network is the desire to succeed in whatever business they are in.
If you develop this type of personal and
business networks, you'll have a network that can help you connect with anyone
you choose, and some that you've never dreamed of.
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