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The Economic Benefits of Riding Your Bike

The Economic Benefits of Riding Your Bike

Today's article was written and submitted by: Taiwo Aladeojebi of

With cost of gas  soaring and everyone wanting to get in shape for either their summer holiday or health reason, we take a look at the health and money benefits of swapping your car for your bike.
It’s Cheaper than a New Car
Can you imagine how stressful it is to get a car loan? It can also be pricey at times and might pay off to think outside the box. Cycling can be a good alternative and don’t forget, bikes have been used as a form of transportation for over 200 years,  or maybe it’s just time to get fit and save some extra pennies . Rather than saving up for years or risk more debt, you can simply cut costs by just buying a regular road bike and save on travel costs.
Less environmental impact
Cycling  is one of  the eco-friendliest ways of commuting and one in ten adults cycle at least once a week.  There’s a lot of potential with sustainable bike design; including using eco-friendly materials like bamboo and a newly constructed road, mountain or hybrid bike  won’t emit pollutants to our air and water.  In an effort to encourage more people to take up biking, cities like London, with one of the highest road pollution and congested roads in the UK are investing tons of money in creating  more bicycle paths throughout the city; particularly near the city’s main roads  which is  great for those of you who are toying with the idea of commuting!
Cheap in maintenance costs
Cycling is bliss compared to cars or public transport as they require very  little maintenance costs.  A regular bike only needs minor maintenance once in a while, which is more like pumping air into your tires and replacing parts. The good news is bikes do not require any sort of mandatory insurance or road tax. Coupled with high gas prices, cars require costly routine maintenance annual insurance costs, parking tickets, garage fees and much more.  
Health benefits
Cycling regularly will definitely improve your health right now and in the years to come. Cycling does not just get you from point A to B. It’s excellent for toning muscles, maintaining strong bones and flexibility.  On top of that, regularly riding your bike gives you a fitness level equal to that of a person 10 years younger, burn over 8000 calories a month, help reduce your chances of cardiovascular diseases and other numerous heart conditions. For extra adrenaline rush, take up mountain biking (biking on rough terrains) in addition to your daily biking, if you have the time for it and want to try something new.  This way, cycling will start to become fully integrated as a hobby, not just a means of transportation. 
It May Even Save Time!
Depending on your location, riding your bike may even be quicker than hopping in a car or going by public transport. Check out a map to compare different modes of transportation, cycling is usually quicker than public transport and while going by car can sometimes be faster, don’t forget the benefits of cycling.  With traffic jammed cities, it’s definitely easier to get on a bike and find your way through the city. That’s why bike messengers are common in packed, metropolitan cities across Europe. Furthermore, bicyclists don’t often have to wait for traffic build-up due to vehicular accidents, road construction and rush hour traffic. 
For those that cycle often – kudos; to those still considering it I’d say there is no better time to start.

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  1. Great Post! we too encourage our employees to come to office in cycles. I hope more and more people find it adapt it for their and environment's sake.

    1. It was lovely to read your post - I'm so glad that you encourage your employees to cycle to work. Simply installing a secure bike rack under cover from the elements or in a open storage area is a wonderful way to encourage more cyclists. Businesses can also offer special prizes, or bonuses such as a paid lunch, "green employee" award, or something.
      in appreciation,

  2. I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
    Ali mudeen


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