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Wildlife Jobs

*Mark Dotson, a 20-year Wildlife Veteran helps people interested in working with wildlife to fulfill their dream. Mark is the author of "King of Cages!"  and invites you to sign up for a regular e-newsletter about working in the field of Wildlife Management via:

Trading Your Day Job For a Wildlife Job
By Mark Dotson

Many people would like to chuck their day job and begin a career working with wildlife. Many people would like to, but few people ever get to. Why? Because many of the positions are filled before they are even posted by someone inside the organization. They may also be filled quickly because a tip was passed along to a friend about the upcoming opening.
So, you would think you are at a dead end, right? Not necessarily. Wildlife positions can still be found if you are clever enough to be persistent and patient.

But what if you want to work with wildlife and don't want to work for the government? Private industry has positions in the environmental disciplines. There are air monitoring technicians, waste water testing specialists and many other positions. But that still doesn't get you any closer to working with wildlife now does it?

Another position you should consider is that of a nuisance wildlife management professional. What's that? A nuisance wildlife management professional is actively involved daily working with wildlife! Yes...actually working hands on with wildlife!

Working with wildlife is an extremely thrilling career choice. The variety of wildlife and the unusual circumstances that a nuisance wildlife management professional finds it in creates a fun and varied work environment.

Wildlife managers are in high demand. As our countries population grows, wildlife managers will be in more demand. When humans and wildlife clash, the nuisance wildlife manager will be called upon to resolve this conflict. It's our job to return the wildlife back where it the wild.

Do you need a degree to become a nuisance wildlife manager? No. A wildlife biology or wildlife management degree is helpful, but not necessary. Hunting and trapping experience is also very helpful but not absolutely necessary either. Training for this career is available and can transform you into a wildlife manager in a very short time!

With the proper training, equipment and knowledge, a successful career awaits you. A career that will be filled with challenges and one that you can't wait to get to on Monday morning!

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