-- Quote of the Day --
"A sensitive plant in
a garden grew,
And the young winds fed it with silver dew,
And it opened its fan-like leaves to the light,
and closed them beneath the kisses of night."
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Sensitive Plant,” 1820
Such a touching quote. I so love spending time in the garden. Now that the early potatoes and the garlic have been harvested, we are taking out the nid-season potatoes soon - and space is once again opening up in the garden. As the areas are cleared and cleaned, I've been adding some amendments (green sand, alfalfa pellets, kelp meal, etc.) and forking the soil over with a little extra peat since the beds are still a little too heavy with clay despite all the work we did and compost we put in etc. earlier. Next - it is long past time to plant in the fall beets, carrots and so on... and still leave enough room for September's garlic plantings. We had some good rain on Thursday that helped cool down the air and clean away all the dust from the roads. It's been a bad year for forest fires so the rain has hopefuly helped with that and also cleans the air of the smoke haze that settles in the valley.
I've been harvesting tomatilloes, chard, potatoes, basil, tomatoes, beans, summer squash and herbs like crazy - keeping me busy in the kitchen, which never seems to stay clean long :)
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