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Recommended Resource

Just one resource today, but if you do an online search - as recommended in the info below - there will be a myriad of opportunities for you, a senior home, a school project, youth group project, etc.:

Do you have birds visiting your yard or an area visible from a window? 

There’s a great opportunity to get involved with bio-science – all you have to do is grab your favourite beverage and some form of record keeping (digital voice recorder or a pen/paper). 

Projects like these are frequently offered to individuals, groups, family, school projects, seniors and others who care about science and wildlife.

Typically they involve counting types of insects or birds or other wildlife in the area you happen to be.

Scientists use that information in a huge number of ways and these counts are particularly important to conservation and wildlife management programs. 

Just do a search online to find “citizen science” projects to find all kinds of great opportunities. 

For instance re: birds, Project FeederWatch will send you everything you need to get started via: 


Visit the Brummet's @:


  1. Using the keywords "citizen science projects in Canada" dozens of pages of links showed up including these I found on the first page:

  2. A new comment arrived to my private inbox - they suggested that people select: interest interested i.e. "lake BC, Canada"; "beetles backyard BC, Canada" to fine-tune the citizen projects available to them. There are plenty of worldwide projects too, so while this suggestion is valid and useful, I do hope it doesn't limit participation in global projects.


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