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Recommended Resources

Recommended Resources

Three more inspiring resources to help us all lead a more conscious, positive life while making a difference: . The Tree Foundation of Kern is a non-profit based in California USA that is dedicated to a sustainable urban and community forest plan, inspiring people to enhance neighbourhoods through planting programs, working with schools, municipalities and other organizations that plant trees in public places... since 1994, this organization has plant more than14,000 trees in over 400 locations.

Friends of the Urban Forest helps individuals, neighborhoods and groups plant and care for street trees and sidewalk gardens within San Francisco. Since 1991, this organization has planted more than 60,000 trees (almost half of the city's green canopy!)!

Thankfully, many communities have their own local-based food sharing projects and organizations powered by amazing, talented, big-hearted volunteers... this is just one example of these organizations:


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