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Imagine happiness

 Imagine Happiness

* Written by: freelance writer, Joshua Clayton - who describes himself as a philosophical writer, objective thinker and honest action taker. He calls home Inglewood, California (US) and works at a senior centre.

John Lennon of the Beatles wrote a song called Imagine around 1970, basically saying imagine a world where we live for today. So, I answer him from this dimension, world, valence or whatever to the next world or dimension or whatever it is he is in now: You were right, today is the best thing to live for, especially the present moment and being present to it. Yet to be detached from actual gains, losses and living life properly is the best way to live in the now. I will explain myself further.

Abraham Lincoln said with self-abegnation and fearful understanding, and Jay Gould lived with prideful directness: "We are as happy as we make up our minds to be". 

Sure, I can say it less directly and realistically than that at the beginning, but I wanted to make a dramatic and powerful splash with some words, from those two opposite sides of the coin of the nineteenth century. When I think of happiness, it starts in the spirit and then the mind without regard for gains, losses, or whatever, and just doing the realities of life properly whatever they are without flinching and fearing.

When I use the quote that we are happy as we make up our minds to be, I mean we must sometimes use our imaginations to become that as in imagination is more powerful than will power when it comes to genuine happiness in the auto-suggestion sense of it. We are as happy as we imagine we are consistently, and nothing else. 

Sadness is simply losing control of our imaginations in that sense in my reality, not an actual condition. Perceptions of reality are paramount in this sense. 

Honesty is what we are, and truth is what we create for "good or bad". Indeed, in that sense, lying is the lowest order of creativity, because we are not just lying to others outside ourselves, we are ultimately cheating ourselves really. Listen, the honesty and the truth will always be honesty and the truth, but the lies will always be illusions out of line with honesty and the truth. We can lie to others, but not to ourselves.

It all comes down to properly living our lives by being honest, right down to going through the growth realities we need to go through to get to the place we want to get to.

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