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Save the Eagles Day
When: January 11th
Info: Each year, communities across the globe celebrate Save the Eagles Day with a variety of programs, projects and local informational highlights. Eagles have had a lot of pressure in the past from poaching, pesticides and multiple other pressures... but thankfully they've now been taken off the endangered list and are celebrated wherever they call home. Apparently there are about 60 different kinds of eagles across the world, mating for life and astounding us all with their powerful bodies and enviable eyesight.
Get the family together and watch some documentaries online or visit an aviary or bird sanctuary, perhaps contribute to a bird / wildlife sanctuary or pick up a few books to browse on this incredible species.

Water and Poetry with Rosemary Hu
When: January 18
Ages: 7-13
Learn to write poetry with a water theme.
InfoPre-register at by Monday January 11 

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