Being an Artist - Why It's Not About The Money
* Edited by blog owner Lillian Brummet - Originally written by Tricia Deed ( who invites our readers to learn more about how to make money as an artist or artisan at
When people misuse certain art terms it causes confusion in the marketplace so let's start out today by defining artist, fine artist, artisan, and craftsman.
When people misuse certain art terms it causes confusion in the marketplace so let's start out today by defining artist, fine artist, artisan, and craftsman.
Artist as an individual who creates products for commercial businesses. Two examples are graphic designers and book illustrators.
A Fine Artist creates original, visual, and beautiful objects of art for aesthetic values. Examples include oil paintings and hand sculptures.
Artisan and independent craftsmen create projects for both beauty and utility. Two examples are glass blowers, jewelry makers or a ceramic artisan.
Craftsmen will replicate utilitarian objects. For instance: carpenters build houses and cabinetmakers build furniture, wood workers build bird houses and wooden ornaments.
Finding gainful employment and being paid for the work their craft takes to produce is not always the easiest achievement but is considered to be the most important aspect of any artists life.
Each type of artist has particular financial aspects to it. For instance, Fine Artists find gainful employment during prosperous economies. Their creations are original or one-of-a-kind and the price will be high. People with disposable incomes purchase nonessential works of art. This means they need to be entrepreneurs, function as business owners and contract employment. While Craftsman can often find work year-round regardless of the economy, and are sometime employed by larger companies. People need houses, clothing, shoes, tools, vehicles, furniture, etc. However those that produce original jewelry, carvings and knick-knacks are more likely to find sales around holidays (birthdays, valentines, etc.).
Take a look at the list below of the common reasons why artists and artisans struggle to make money. Consider which of these points suit your situation and make notes so you can start a plan of action to reduce issues with money in the future.
1. They do not talk about money because it is impolite, or it is not important.
2. There is a lack of money sense, interest, status, or money management.
3. Money is thought to be the root of all evil.
4. The creation of art or craft work is more important.
5. Money is not important because love, saving the planet, and world peace are more important.
6. Families and communities make them feel uneasy as artists. They appear to be playing and lack no work value.
7. Money is not important, and they never seem to have money to understand its value.
8. A lack of money or financial knowledge and understanding of how money works. Feeling of a sense of worthlessness or shame for not making money.
9. Fear of having money.
10. People consider artists as being poor and struggling; those who believe this are.
11. Feelings of uneasiness asking for money.
12. No knowledge of how to price an object or how to sell it.
13. Lack of self-confidence and not knowing their worth.
14. Too critical of their own work -seeing only the flaws in the workmanship. Artists are not able to see the beauty of the product the way a consumer might.
15. Not comfortable selling a piece of their creativity, which makes them feel that they have put a price on themselves.
16. Under charging the price of an article to not look greedy.
17. Poor negotiation skills with potential customers.
18. Dislike or hate preparing paperwork associated with recording our profits and expenditures, income tax forms, and other matters of financial business.
These attitudes, misgivings, or lack of knowledge will keep artists and artisans from making comfortable earnings from their talents and skills.
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