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Easier Gardening, Part 1

Easier Gardening

* Today's article was written by Siman Ballard, who kindly posted this on an article distribution site I sometimes use. Thanks Siman for making this available to the media :) The article was a bit large, however so I have opted to split it into 2 parts. The second part will be published on the 21st.

Gardening is no easy task, especially if you have put quite a lot of effort into it. It won't take you long before tending to the flower beds, pruning and doing all sorts of other gardening chores starts to feel tiring and overwhelming. The purpose of gardening is to make you feel happy, not super tired.

To achieve this, you can adopt a few clever tricks that will make the workflow easy. The following techniques aim to keep you sharp on the gardening jobs while helping you conserve your energy.

Raised beds are a blessing

Whether made of wood (manufactured or regular), pavers or concrete blocks, you can bet that they will make your gardening efforts easy. You needn't worry about building raised beds yourself, as you will most often see kits in large stores. 

What you have to remember is the height of the raised bed shouldn't be too great. A maximum of 40 inches is recommended. You also have to make them at least 3-4 feet wide so that access to the middle is not difficult.

Gardening in containers

Containers are also convenient for gardening purposes since you can practically place them at whatever height is appropriate. You can put them on the ground, or a table, if that is more convenient for you. 

Weeding plants in containers are much easier than in raised beds, and you can also water them without much trouble. Depending on the size of the container, you won't have much trouble. 

It is worth it to check for containers with wheels, as those are very easy to move around.

All of these practical tips can greatly help your gardening efforts. Remember to implement them and you will find the work is not that difficult.

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