Just For Writers !!
Today is the 4th installment of this new series of posts Just For Writers ! Watch for a new post in this series around the middle of every month !! *Note: these links go back as far as early 2000's and may refer to our old website and perhaps other old links. Ignore that. Go to: http://BrummetMedia.ca
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Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews began in 2014 and since then Amy has reviewed thousands of books, yet her passion for writing book reviews, the challenge of making each one unique and interesting for her readers has never waned. Amy and I have been networking for some time and I can tell you that she is a thoughtful and organized individual. She has graciously invited our readers to drop by her blog and send a book review query her way anytime. Mention that you saw her information here on our blog, and she may just give you special preference. :) http://writeramyshannon.wixsite.com/bookshelfreviews
On a talk radio show (no longer on air) we once managed, we held an interview about the world of writing with author and motivational speaker, Ali Marsman is our guest of the day. She is originally from Nova Scotia, Canada & currently resides in the province of BC – which is the same province where Dave & I live. Her first 2 books, Heal with Me and Our Journey Goes On, were quite successful in schools, group homes, shelters and various other organizations and societies across Canada. She has also written a trilogy - her wealth of knowledge in the world of writing was the topic of the day.* This archived broadcast refers to our OLD website, ignore that.
“…Grandfather Little Hawk is a Mikmaw storyteller – they are the Natives of Nova Scotia Indian storytellers, and he follows the storytelling techniques passed down for literally 8,000 years. …His storytelling was so beautiful, so we started a program on storytelling… and we expanded on that to put it into a book. He did the telling, I did the writing. ...I love the process of writing and I tend to give myself a goal of writing 5000 words before I go to bed each night. I often take long walks dictating in a tape or writing in a note pad. The first writing of the book took maybe a month, and the editing of the book took almost a year – so you have all these words that you through them against a wall to see what sticks. …I read it now and I think ‘Wow, those are my words – but are they? They are Little Hawk’s words – but are they?’ It was a great process and I love writing.”
~ Frank Cipriani (author)
This next link will take you to an old blog post that was published back in 2012. You'll find it starts with a very interesting quote (which I'll share below here today) and if you scroll down that page just a little you'll find a very good article written by Jill Jepson, a writing advice expert.
Back in 2014, Toi Thomas featured me as a guest on her blog - the Toibox of Words. If you scroll further down that page you'll notice that Toi linked to some articles and other posts featuring us on her blog. * This may refer to our OLD website, ignore that.
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