Today I want to share with you an unpublished poem... meaning this poem is not included in our 2 poetry books - it has, however, been published in e-magazines and poetry websites. It will also be included in the upcoming 3rd book of poetry in the Playing With Words series.
This #poem, Virago, focuses on the epic journey of life - it is a compilation of my understanding of this journey, after a couple decades spent in study of gurus and shamans, thought leaders and specialists - the search for meaning, or purpose, in life... the journey to one's inner self, and beyond.
© Lillian Brummet Oct 2021
Gone are the days of
Head down, eyes averted
Gone are the days of
So many years of
Stumbling over such
Trifle, insignificant
Fumbling through I learn
Even solid matter
Is not what it seems.
Everything is an enigma.
I learned that memories are interpretations
Based on stories I tell myself
According to the narrow window view
That I had at the time.
These wild, amazing, painful experiences,
Reflected in my own mirror;
A mirror full of stories.
Shamans tell us the true warrior is not
A mindless obedient soldier
Loving the team, thrilling in the rush,
Hating the haunting horror.
This virago learned that a true warrior
Strives for personal freedom
To unlock the barriers we set for ourselves
To change society by evolving
Into a Virago.
Viragos are aware of the fertile soil of the mind.
Of the seeds that we allowed to land
And those we plant ourselves,
Viragos consciously choose the seeds
They will nurture.
A warrior starts with this awareness
Just growing consciousness of
Everyday experiences and
They learn the power of a single word
And they fear to abuse it,
The spoken words, the words in thought;
They strive to be impeccable with word.
Viragos learn to not take life experiences
Too seriously nor personally:
They learn that her reaction
Or his facial expression
Or memories recounted to our selves
Do not define us.
They often have nothing to do with us.
The walking wounded, however,
Tell awful stories to our selves
We agree to plant that seed and nurture it.
It becomes part of our Belief System.
A Virago learns to ask questions
To research, to become educated
Instead of assuming or telling stories.
Virago warriors learn that forgiveness
Begins with themselves.
They learn to live simply.
They accept that doing their best is enough:
Their intent was pure,
The impact meant to be positive,
They put forth their best effort,
Knowing that the quality of their best
Will vary day to day,
Hour to hour,
They were authentically themselves...
And that is enough.
No matter how flawed they
Tell themselves that they are.
Viragos embrace the belief
That each moment is a valuable gift.
They live fully in the moment.
They let go of the past.
They become a giant in the war
Against the inner Judge, the Victim,
The Belief System, which they built
Every day of their life
Based on agreements they made.
"Yes, you are right I am slow.
...Yes, you are right I am weird.
Yes, this is God, that is not."
Agreements that became a belief system.
This is the war that true warriors,
and viragos, if you are a girl,
Joyfully, enthusiastically face:
Challenging the loud inner voices
Of those parasite entities
The Judge, the Victim
The Belief System.
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