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Protecting Birds

I received a note from the Bird Life International organizations ( with some great news to share. 

This organization addresses numerous threats to birds from night lighting and migration to habitat creation and preservation. They also work with those that fight the illegal transport, trapping and selling trades - like the BirdLife Cyprus organization.

According to their statistics show that since 2002 they reduced the illegal trade industries by 2 million birds annually for several years in a row. 

By 2021 the trade was down to 604,000 birds and then we saw that halved in the last year -  This means the trade was decreased by 50% since 2021. 50% !!!! in one year.... that really is an impressive result. 

345,000 illegal birds, however, is still too many to ignore and so their work continues. 

This is of course as a result of decades of hard work by numerous organizations and individuals collaborating their efforts and educating the public. 

Congratulations to all those involved who made this possible. :) 
