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Showing posts from May, 2024

Book Review !

A huge hug goes out to Kiki W & Gary Towne who posted a review for our guidebook for writers,   Purple Snowflake Marketing - How To Make Your Book Stand Out In A Crowd .   Today I'd like to share with you his review of that book :   4 out of 5 stars   This review titled:  "Practical, Realistic Guidance",  was posted on  (Canada) on October 17, 2023  "This book has been helpful for my husband and me, as we have been working on a non-fiction book. One of the first lessons we learned was that writing the book is the easy part, which came as a surprise to my husband, as he was proud of all the thought and work he had put into his literary project, but then stalled several years ago when he realized that the manuscript creation is just the first step.  Publishing, and then marketing the book and getting it out there, all of which requires money we didn’t want to spend, seemed too daunting.  More recentl...

Taking a short break

Loyal readers and new ones...  Thank you for being a part of this blog for over 20 years now!  Yup Daily, or almost daily, posts for 20 years. I'm taking a break!  Sort of... We are moving from one home to another, and relocating the client services to another location as well.  Dave and I should have completed this transition by June 1st but a lot will still be going on the first few months as we settle in.  As such =  over the next few weeks there will be fewer new posts ...but Dave and I encourage you to scroll through the 20 years of archives here on this blog and the 3 years of archives on Dave's blog.   If you are looking for a specific topic - use the search box. on either of our 2 blogs, to call up related posts. Find the links to our 7 published books (so far) on the sidebar of this page. There are links there for the YouTube Channel and both blogs. Feel free to explore :) and Feel free to keep in contact with us, but please understand th...